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Friday, April 2, 2010

Bell 658 & 659

658. James Taylor & 659. Frances Walker {… VA}

2/12/1634, James born in Northumberland, Carlisle, England, s/o 1316. John Taylor & 1317. Elizabeth Horton. [From his Coat of Arms brought to America, James descended from the Earls of Pennington. An old ring handed down in the family is said to have once been his property, and it bears engraved upon it the crest which is that of the Taylors of Pennington Castle.]
1640, Frances born in VA; d/o 1318. Thomas Walker.
1648, James immigrated to VA, transported under the Headright System by John Rosier of Northumberland Co., VA. (S) Greer’s Immigration List. James was well educated, an able lawyer, surveyor, vestryman of the church, and a member of the group of trustworthy men chosen to defend the Colony against Indians. Each man was levied a tax in arms and provisions. The record of this assignment is in the Parish Register of Northumberland Co. VA.
1671, James owned 1640 acres of land along the Mattaponi River.
1676, James listed by Melnor Ljungstead in early court records and notes.
9/22/1680, Frances died in Bowling Green, King & Queen Co., VA.
8/12/1682, James married 2nd Mary Gregory; d/o Capt. John and Mary Bishop. [John Gregory the s/o Roger Gregory who first married Mildred Washington, aunt of President George Washington.]
4/15/1687, South side of the Rappahanock River, 480 acres granted to Mr. Henry Abery, who sold to Mr. Robert Bishopp, who bequeathed to John Gregory, who gave to his sister, Mary, now wife of said James Taylor, said land in danger of being lost was petitioned for by said Taylor the 1st day of the last Genrll. Court.
10/21/1687, James patented 744 acres in Rappahanock Co.
1687–1695, James purchased more land along the Mattaponi River, totaling 13,925 acres. [James must have been influential: from his Tablet at the Courthouse of K&Q Co.: “from him were descended , President James Madison, President Zachary Taylor, Colonel James Taylor (Knight of the Horse Shoe), Judge Edmond Pendleton, John Penn signer of the Declaration of Independence, John Taylor of Carolina, General James Taylor of Kentucky, Admiral David Taylor, Admiral Hugh Rodman, Admiral Robert M. Berry, ….]
10/20/1689, Mr. James Taylor and John Neal of New Kent Co. in St Stephen’s Parish, on North side of Mattapony River, beg. below James Taylor's plantation, along …
1690 Essex Co., VA deed from Charles Walker and John Sothorn of the Parish of Farnham to Jonathan Fisher of St. Stephens Parish, New Kent Co., VA of 300 acres in (Old) Rappahannock Co., VA in Farnham Parish. Witnesses: James Taylor, Robert Powell, and James Taylor, Jr. (S) Essex Co., VA, OB–1, P273. [Note Robert Powell is James’ son-in-law.]
1690, James sheriff of New Kent Co. and a vestryman of St. George’s Parish. “In 1690 as Sub-Sheriff of New Kent, County, Virginia, James Taylor served summons on those connected with Jacobite disturbances. He was Attorney of several cases in Essex County. He was also connected with trying to stop the lawless organization known as Plant Cutters, ‘who destroyed and burned tobacco plants and beds at night in an effort to control the price of tobacco.’”. (S) 6/6/1933 Presentations at K&Q Co. Courthouse.
1693, James deeded to trustees of South Farnham Parish 2 acres and 50 perches of land on the south side of Hoskins Creek for a church. He held a patent for 950 acres of land in Kent Co., VA, where he built his home and named it Hare Forest, named for the Earls of Pennington Castle in England, where his ancestors are buried.
5/1698, James died in King & Queen Co., VA; buried in Bowling Green, Caroline Co., VA. [Mary remarried ? Thomas.] (S) See No. 328 Family notes.
(S) Colonial Families of the Souther States, Hardy, 1981.

Children of James and Frances:

i. James Taylor Jr, born 3/14/1674 in Accomac, Accomack Co., VA.
1687, “James Taylor” and 4 other persons were transported to VA by “James Taylor”. [James must have been sent back to England to receive his education.]
1690, James signed a deed with his father and brother-in-law Robert Powell.
2/23/1698, James married Margaret Thompson; d/o Col. William Thompson; gd/o Sir Roger of Yorkshire.
6/26/1729, James died in Locustville, Accomack Co., VA.
James Taylor, born ?.
1702, he was a Burgess for K&Q Co.
Frances Taylor, born 8/30/1700 in VA.
8/24/1721, she married Ambrose Madison.
[Grandparents of 4th President James Madison.]
George Taylor, born ?.
Zachary Taylor, born 4/17/1707 in VA.
8/24/1721, he married Elizabeth Lee.
[Grandparents of 12th President Zachary Taylor.]
Erasmus Taylor, born ?.

ii. Sarah Taylor ( 329), born 6/30/1676 in VA.

iii. Jane Taylor, born ~1678 in VA.

Children of James and Mary:

i. Mary Taylor, born ~1688 in VA.
1701, Mary married Henry Pendleton, s/o Philip & Isabella Hart.
Mary married 2nd Edward Watkins.
Judge Edmund Pendleton.

ii. John Taylor, born 11/18/1696 in VA.
2/14/1716, John married Catherine Pendleton, born 12/8/1699, d/o Philip & Isabella Hart.
7/26/1774, Catherine died.
3/22/1780, John died.
(S) Mrs. Mary Balckwell’s Bible, which once belonged to this John Taylor. “The age of myself and my wife and children are as follows: …”

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