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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Peter Cock & Margaret Lom

3754. Peter Cock & 3755. Margaret Lom {… DE}

1610 Peter born “Peter Larsson” in Bångsta, a hamlet in Turinge parish, Södermanland (now Stockholm Län), Sweden; the eldest of 6 sons of 7508. Lars Persson.
1626 Margaret born in Roslagen, Sweden, the d/o 7510. Måns Svensson Lom.
Peter was an imprisoned soldier at Smedjegården in Stockholm. The reason for his imprisonment is not known.
5/3/1641, Peter was sent to New Sweden from Stockholm on the ship Charitas. He served as the “kock”, “cook” in Swedish,, from whence the name “Peter Cock”. On the same ship was the family of Måns Svensson Lom., including his 15 year old daughter Margaret, who would marry Peter.
1643, Peter married Margaret in what probably was the first marriage performed in New Sweden.
Peter Cock soon became a freeman and played a prominent role in the colony. They settled on an island at the mouth of the Schuylkill River. Peter called the island “Kipha”.
7/1651, Peter was an interpreter for Governor Printz in negotiations with the Indians confirming the Swedish claim to the lands on which the Dutch had built Fort Casimir (New Castle, DE). Under Governor Rising, he served on the New Sweden court.
7/27/1653, Peter a signer [one of 22] of a petition of grievances to Gov. Printz. One of these grievances concerned the imprisonment of Peter for 3 months after he was falsely accused, and acquitted, of trading guns with the Indians.
8/4/1656, Peter, now a magistrate, was present for the creation ceremony of the “Swedish Nation”, authorized by Gov. Stuyvesant, held Ft. Casimir.
1656, the 1st Swedish court, had Olof Stille as its Chief Justice and included Peter Larsson Cock.
1657–1680, after the surrender of New Sweden, Peter continued to serve as a Justice for the up-river Swedes in present PA.
5/8/1658, Peter and other officers appeared before Gov. Stuyvesant with a petition for instructions, requested a court messenger, asked for free access to Fort Altena, and requested that no one leave the colony without notifying the magistrates. (S) Swedes on the Delaware, 1638-64, P369.
1663, Peter refused to swear allegiance to the City of Amsterdam which now controlled the area.
6/5/1664, Peter patented an extensive 600 acre plantation which he called “Kipha”, located on "Peter Cock’s Island, actually two islands in the Schuylkill that would later be known as Fisher’s Island and Carpenter’s Island. This area in 1671 was called Shackamaxon. (S) 1671 Census by Craig, P13.
10/1664, Peter retained his magistrate position when the English took over the Upland area.
10/1/1669, Peter received a patent from Lovelace for an island [he then occupied] lying between a creek [Minquas Kill] leading into the Schuylkill and the main [Delaware] river, bounded on the east by the Schuylkill and on the west by Anders Boon’s kill.
Peter captured Marcus Jacobson, the instigator of the Long Finn Rebellion of 1669; which won him considerable favor with the English.
1671, Peter and Michael Nilsson secure the 1st land patents at Shackmaxon.
1671, Peter lives in “Kingsessing”, 11 of his 12 children living with him. (S) 1671 Census.
11/4/1674, Peter appointed as the Presiding Justice of the Upland Court.
6/1680, Peter retired as a magistrate of the Upland Court. His son Lasse succeeded him in this position.
~1683, Peter was an Indian interpreter for William Penn.
1/11/1684, Peter, identified by William Penn as one the “Antient Sweeds”, signed and affidavit stating that their lands on the DE river had been occupied by them since 1638.
6/25/1684, Peter signed a second affidavit for William Penn on the land issue.
6/25/1687, Peter wrote his will on Kilpha, Philadelphia Co., PA. He
11/10/1687 Peter died on his island at the age of 77.
1/4/1688 Peter’s will proven. (S) Family notes.
1693, Margaret is living with her son Gabriel. (S) 1693 Census.
2/13/1703 Margaret died, buried at Gloria Dei Church, Philadelphia, PA, by pastor Andreas Sandel.
(S) Swedish Colonial News, V1, No.1, Spring 1990, by Dr. Peter S Craig, Historian, Swedish Colonial Society. (S) 1671 Census of DE, by Craig, P22. (S) 1693 Census of the Swedes, by Craig. – multiple citations.

Family notes:
• Will of Peter: Estate to wife Margaret. Legacy to son Gabriell wherein is mentioned an island known by the name of the Skuillkill Island. There are nine more children mentioned whose names are not given. Executors: Sons Lawrence and Erick. Witnesses: Lasse Cock, Erick Cock, Mounce Cock, John Cock, Peter Cock, Gabriell Cock, Gunner Rambo, Robert Longshore. (S) Phila. Wills, A126.
• During the 18th century the family name evolved into “Cox”.
• 11/23/1677, 24 Swedes including petitioned the court for permission “to settle together in a town at the west side of the river just below the falls.” They represented that they were native of the county and brought up on the river and parts adjacent, and asked for one hundred acres each, with a fit proportion of marsh, and a suitable place to lay out a town. The Swedes included Lawrence Cock, Moens Cock, Swen Loon, John Dalbo, Gunner Rambo, Erick Cock, Peter Cock, Jr. (S) History Of Bucks County, PA by W. W. H. Davis, A.M., Democrat Book and Job Office Print., Doylestown, PA, 1876, Chapter I.
• Excerpt from the 5/31/1693 letter signed by 26 Swedes: “Now what concerns our Living in this country and our lives and our conversa¬tions: We are for the most part husbandmen, and plant and sow and till the ground, and we use yet the good old fashions in meat and drink. This land is a mighty fruitful good and plentiful country, and here doth grow all sorts of grains in great plenty; and all that we sow and plant doth thrive mightily. Out of this River is sent and shipped away all sorts of grains every year to our neighboring islands in the West Indies. Here is also great plenty of all sorts - beasts, fowls and fishes. Our wives and daughters follow spinning of flax and wool, some with weaving, so that we have great occasion to thank the Almighty God for his manifold mercies and benefits, which we at his hand receive. God give that we may also get good shepherds to feed us with God's holy word and sacraments. We live also in peace, friendship and amity with one another, and the Indians have not molested us for many years.” (S) The 1693 Census of the Swedes on the Delaware, Craig, P160.
• Letter from Lars Persson Cock to his paternal uncle Mouns Larsson; translated by Dr. Richard H. Hulan from the manuscript collection, Svenska ecklesiastika handlingar 1686-1694, R 1100, No.186, Riksarkivet, Stockholm, Sweden.
• “Highly honored, dear paternal uncle Mouns Larsson:
• Greetings in God Almighty! Now letting you know, dear uncle, with this my letter, my circumstances and those of my family, and of former acquaintances out in this land, hoping that with God's help I may, at the first opportunity, receive a gladdening and good reply.
• In the first place, what pertains to my late father: He came out here to the country of New Sweden, sent by his Royal Majesty to settle the land with the others, his countrymen; which he also did honorably for the high authorities. My late father was selected as a president [Justice] in New Sweden which he did with the greatest loyalty; and during the Holland Dutch regime he was also a president on the court; and in the English regime's time likewise. My late father was always in advice and counsel with them. My late father, after he had been in this country one year and a half, gave himself into the state of holy matrimony and had with his dear wife thirteen children whereof now, God be praised, six sons and six daughters are living, all well provided for with wives and husbands, so that of all my late father's lineage in the first degree, that is children and grandchildren, there are living seventy-one souls; and in the year 1687, the 10th of November, my dear father fell asleep, in the name of the Lord, at a good age, leaving after him my dear mother. I, my dear father's eldest son, Lars Parsson, am likewise healthy. My wife and children are in good circumstances also. I have had, together with my dear wife, eleven children, of whom six sons and two daughters are now living. And we are, God be praised, living in plenty. I am also seated in my late father's place and succeed him, and am also a member of our noble Governor's highest Council, and a counsellor. Also I have been on the court since I reached the legal age, and I am now going on my fiftieth year. My late father had never received any letter from his fatherland, for many years not knowing who among his parents, brothers, relatives and former acquain¬tances might be alive; but he has told me that he had five brothers living and three sisters when he came from the fatherland; but God knows who among them might be living now .
• If my uncle Mouns Larsson is dead, or the other brothers of my father, then I hope that their children or grandchildren may be alive, that I may receive a gladdening answer to this my letter. They lived at Bangsta hamlet in [the province of] Sodermanland. My father's father's name was Lars Persson. He lived at the same hamlet. Now, hoping that if any of my father's brothers should be alive, that those who know his family and former acquaintances might cause this to be placed in their hands, and that I might receive a gladdening reply by the first ship, praying that you direct your letter to Gothenburg to His Royal Majesty's Postmaster, Johan Thelin, and he shall certainly have it delivered. And we live at Passayongh on the Delaware River in Pennsylvania. Commending you together with our whole family to the almighty, and under his gracious protection,
• and will ever be found
• your most obedient
• Lars Persson Cock
• P.S. When you write a reply to me, write to me thus, “Lars Piirsson Cock.” Since we were living here among foreign nations, my late father took that surname so that we and others could be distinguished from one another.
• Dated and written at Pennsylvania on Delaware River, the 31st of May 1693.
• [Note on back:] “This letter to my highly honored dear paternal uncle Mouns Larsson (residing at Bangsta hamlet in Sodermanland) coming to hand, or if he is dead, that this letter may be directed to the surviving relatives.”

Children of Peter and Margaret:

i. Lars Persson Cock, born 3/21/1646 in New Sweden. Aka “Lasse”.
Named after his paternal grandfather.
5/15/1669 Lars married an English woman, Martha Ashman born 8/1650, d/o Robert and Katherine Ashman, natives of Long Island. Through this marriage Lasse acquired greater skills in English than his contemporaries.
1671, Lars lives in Shackamaxon on his father’s property, married with 2 children.
5/1/1671, Lasse received a new patent on 600 acres owned by his father and uncle Michael Nilsson Lyckan [married to Helena Lom7510viii.]
1677, “Lace Cock” in Upland Co., DE. Lasse had 100 acres “Just above pocquessink Creeke”, which is in Buck Co., further described as “on the west of Delaware river beginning at a corner marked white oak standing at the northeast side of the mouth of Poat-quessink creek”. (S) 1677 DE Tax List.
11/23/1677, Lars one of 24 Swedes petitioning for land for a town. (S) See Family notes.
5/29/1678, Lasse purchased Martha’s father’s 100 acre plantation at Passyunk, where they resided thereafter. (S) 1671 Census of DE by Craig, P16.
11/12/1678, Lars Cock made a grant of 300 acres at Shackamaxon. The deed stated that the 1800 acres of Shackamaxon was owned by Lars, his brother “Moens”, Gunnar Rambo, and Michel “Neilson”.
6/1680, Capt. Lasse succeeded his father as a Justice for the up-river Swedes in present PA.
1680, Lasse was involved in the sale of Martha’s brother John’s land. (S) 1671 Census of DE by Craig, P17.
~1683, Lasse was an Indian interpreter for William Penn.
1/11/1684, Lasse signed an affidavit for William Penn on a land issue with MD.
1684, Lasse filed a deed for land. (S) 1671 Census of DE by Craig, P18.
1/8/1687, Lasse witnessed the will of Andrew Swanson.
6/25/1687, Lasse “Lawrence” executor of his father’s will.
7/22/1690, Lasse & wife Martha, with other relatives sold their wives shares of Martha’s father’s 7-acre lot in Jamaica, Long island. (S) 1671 Census of DE by Craig, P16.
5/31/1693, 26 members, including Capt. Larss Cock, a warden of the Wicaco Church, signed a petition to Sweden requesting a new minister, bibles, and song books. Lasse also sent a personal letter back to his uncle in Sweden – see Family notes.
1693, (S) 1693 Census – Captain Lasse Cock, 11 people. They lived at Passyunk on property valued at £150.
8/30/1694, Lasse witnessed the will of Peter Rambo Sr.
1692, “Lawrence” was a member of the PA Elective Council. (S) The American Colonies in the 17th Century, Hebert Osgood, 1904.
10/1/1699, “Lawrence” Cock wrote his will. (S) Phila. Wills, B28.
10/1699 Lars died at Passyunk [South Philadelphia].
12/1/1699, Lars’ will proved.
11/15/1720, New Castle court records show the entry of a judgement by Martha Cock for a £6 debt against Bridget Cock, executrix of John Cock.
1724, Martha was still living.
(S) 1671 Census of DE by Craig, P13.
Catharine Cock, born 12/1699 in New Sweden.
Bef 1693 she married an Englishman, Richard Rhodes, and lived at Passyunk.
Peter Cock, born 1/20/1671 in New Sweden.
Bef. 1693 he married Elizabeth Svensson, d/o Anders Svensson.
John Cock, born 1/20/1673 in New Sweden.
5/25/1694, John married Margaret Svensson, d/o Sven Svensson.
Anders Cock, born 1675 in New Sweden.
Robert Cock, born 9/1681 in New Sweden.
Mans Cock, born 11/4/1683 in New Sweden.
Margaret Cock, born 2/18/1685 in New Sweden.
Lars Cock, born 8/15/1688 in New Sweden.
Deborah Cock, born 7/7/1693 in New Sweden.
Gabriel Cock, born 3/25/1695 in New Sweden.

ii. Erick Cock, born ~1650 in PA.
1671, Erick living with his father.
~1673 Erick married Elisabeth Philipsson, d/o Olof, a Finn.
1677, “Eric Cock” in Upland Co., DE. (S) 1677 DE Tax List.
10/23/1677, Eric involved in an “in-law” lawsuit in New Castle Court. (S) New Castle Court Records, 1:137.
11/23/1677, Erick one of 24 Swedes petitioning for land for a town. (S) See Family notes.
10/1680, Erik appointed a constable. “necessary for the due preserving of the peace that one other con. stable more be made and authorized to officiate between the Schuylkill and Neshaminy creek, and Mr. Erik Cock was accordingly inducted into the office”. (S) History of Bucks Co., Chap II, P120.
6/25/1687, Erick executor in his father’s will.
1692, “Eric Cock” in PA Co., PA. (S) 1692 Petition PA Early Census Index.
1693, (S) 1693 Census – Erick Cock, 9 people. They live at Shackamaxon on land valued at £100.
5/31/1693, 26 members, including Erick [his mark “EK”], of the Wicaco Church signed a petition to Sweden requesting a new minister, bibles, and song books.
By 1697, they had moved to Mantua Creek, Glouchester Co. The related families of sister Brigitta and cousin Maria Lom also moved there.
8/1701 Eric died in Gloucester Co. [NJ].
4/1735, Elisabeth died.
Peter Cock, born 1674 in New Sweden.
John Cock, born 1676 in New Sweden.
Lars Cock, born 1683 in New Sweden.
Olof Cock, born 1685 in New Sweden.
Helena Cock, born 1687 in New Sweden.
Margaret Cock, born 1689 in New Sweden.
Anna Cock, born 1693 in New Sweden.
Maria Cock, born 1695 in New Sweden.
Eric Cock, born 1698 in New Sweden.

iii. Anna Cock, born ~1652 in PA.
1671, Anna living with her father.
~1675 Anna married Gunnar Rambo born 1/1649, eldest s/o Peter.
1677, “Gunnar Rambo” in Upland Co., DE. (S) 1677 DE Tax List.
11/23/1677, Gunnar one of 24 Swedes petitioning for land for a town. (S) See Family notes.
11/12/1678, a Lars Cock deed stated that the 1800 acres of Shackamaxon was owned by Lars, his brother “Moens”, Gunnar Rambo, and Michel “Neilson”.
1/1/1684, Peter & Michael Nilsson, and Gunnar Rambo granted Jacob Jongh of Gothenburg 50 acres at Shackamaxon. [Jacob Young became the schoolmaster].
1685, Gunnar served on the PA Assembly as Shackamaxon representative.
6/25/1687, Gunnar witnessed Anna’s father’s will.
1692, “Gunnar Rambo” in PA Co., PA. (S) 1692 Petition PA Early Census Index.
5/31/1693, 26 members, including Gunnar [his mark “GR”], of the Wicaco Church signed a petition to Sweden requesting a new minister, bibles, and song books.
1693, (S) 1693 Census – Gunnar Rambo, 9 people. They lives on property valued at £100 at Shackamaxon, Northern Liberties.
1697, they sold their Shackamaxon plantation and moved with son John to Matsunk on the Schuylkill in Upper Merion township.
1722 Anna died Upper Merion Township.
1/1724 Gunnar died; will probated 3/20/1724.
John Rambo, born ~1676 in New Sweden.
He married his 1st cousin once removed, Anna Lycon, d/o Helen Lom7510viii.
Peter Rambo, born 1678 in New Sweden.
Gunnar Rambo, born 1680 in New Sweden.
Anders Rambo, born 1682 in New Sweden.
Mans Rambo, born 1684 in New Sweden.
Brigitta Rambo, born 1685 in New Sweden.
Gabriel Rambo, born 1687 in New Sweden.
Mathias Rambo, born 1690 in New Sweden.
Elias Rambo, born 1693 in New Sweden.

iv. Måns Petersson Cock, born ~1654 in PA.
1671, Mans living with his father.
1677, “Moens Cock” in Upland Co., DE. (S) 1677 DE Tax List.
11/23/1677, Moens one of 24 Swedes petitioning for land for a town. (S) See Family notes.
11/12/1678, a Lars Cock deed stated that the 1800 acres of Shackamaxon was owned by Lars, his brother “Moens”, Gunnar Rambo, and Michel “Neilson”.
~1679 Mans married Gunilla Jonasdotter, d/o Jonas Nilsson.
~1683 Mans was an Indian trader and an Indian interpreter for William Penn.
6/25/1687, “Mounce” witnessed his father’s will.
~1690, they moved across the Delaware to Senamensing, Burlington Co.
1693, (S) 1693 Census – Mouns Cock, 8 people. They live at Shackamaxon on land valued at £100.
By 1697 they had move to Senamensing, Burlington Co.
5/26/1699, Mans signed a town resolution. (S) Genealogy of the French Family, 1:119.
Bef 1720 they moved to Gloucester Co. [JN].
2/27/1720, Mans and son Gabriel pledged £2 to the Raccoon church for the church glebe. (S) Records of the Swedish Lutheran Churches, 1713-1786, Federal Writers Project.
Aft. 1720 Mans died in Gloucester Co.
Margaret Cock, born 1681 in New Sweden.
Peter Cock, born 1683 in New Sweden.
Jonas Cock, born 1685 in New Sweden.
Helena Cock, born 1687 in New Sweden.
Gabriel Cock, born 1690 in New Sweden.
Maria Cock, born 1692 in New Sweden.
Catharine Cock, born 1696 in New Sweden.

v. John Petersson Cock, born 1656 in PA.
1671, Johan living with his father.
1677, “Jan Cock” in Upland Co., DE. (S) 1677 DE Tax List.
~1678 John married Brigitta Friend, d/o Nils Larsson Frände. They lived at Passyunk.
6/25/1687, John witnessed his father’s will.
1692, “John Cock” in PA Co., PA. (S) 1692 Petition PA Early Census Index.
1693, (S) 1693 Census – John Cock, 7 people. John was taxed £40 for 280 acres on Crum Creek, Ripley Township.
3/25/1694, John’s deed for his 280 acres was registered.
12/13/1698, John Cock’s wife is identified by a Chester Court entry. A grand jury presentment against “John Cock’s wife and her sister,” Sarah Friend, was dismissed.
11/7/1700, John bought 854 acres in St. Georges Creek in New Castle Co. from Jacob Young Jr of MD. (S) New Castle Deeds, Book G-1, P199.
11/26/1700, John sold his land and moved to St. Georges Creek, New Castle Co.
1/4/1706, John mentioned in the will of Wm Bevan of Phildelphia. (S) Philadelphia Co., PA Wills, 1682-1819, Book C, P47.
12/3/1713 John wrote his will; proved 8/14/1714. (S) New Castle Wills, 18-19.
12/16/1713 John died at St. Georges Creek, buried in his own garden.
11/15/1720, New Castle court records show the entry of a judgement by Martha Cock [widow of Lasse Cock] for a £6 debt against Bridget Cock, executrix of John Cock.
Peter Cock, born 1679 in New Sweden.
Catharine Cock, born 1681 in New Sweden.
Charles Cock, born 1685 in New Sweden.
Magnus Cock, born 1688 in New Sweden.
Anna Cock, born 1690 in New Sweden.
Maria Cock, born 1693 in New Sweden.
John Cock, born 1695 in New Sweden.
Augustine Cock, born ~1698 in New Sweden.
Known by his 1727 will to have changed his name to Augustine “Cox”.
Elias Cock, born ~1700 in New Sweden.

vi. Peter Petersson Cock Jr, born 1658 in PA.
1671, Peter living with his father.
1677, “Peter Cock Jr” in Upland Co., DE. (S) 1677 DE Tax List.
11/23/1677, Peter one of 24 Swedes petitioning for land for a town. (S) See Family notes.
1682 Peter married Helena Helm, d/o Israel Akesson Helm.
6/25/1687, Peter witnessed his father’s will.
1692, “Peter Cock” in PA Co., PA. (S) 1692 Petition PA Early Census Index.
1693, (S) 1693 Census – Peter Cock, 7 people. They live at Passyunk on land valued at £80.
5/31/1693, 26 members, including Piter, of the Wicaco Church signed a petition to Sweden requesting a new minister, bibles, and song books.
8/15/1701, Peter witnessed the will of his sister Margaret.
1704, Peter became a church warden for Gloria Dei in Philadelphia.
1705–1708, Peter a vestryman for Gloria Dei church in Philadelphia.
5/15/1708 Peter died at Passyunk. [South Philadelphia].
Helena remarried and died after Peter.
Maria Cock, born 1683 in New Sweden.
Helena Cock, born 1685 in New Sweden.
Peter Cock, born 1688 in New Sweden.
Margaret Cock, born 1690 in New Sweden.
Israel Cock, born 1693 in New Sweden.
Mans Cock, born 1695 in New Sweden.
Catharine Cock, born ? in New Sweden.
Deborah Cock, born ? in New Sweden.
Susannah Cock, born ? in New Sweden.

vii. Magdalena Cock, born 1659 in PA.
1671, Magdalena living with her father.
~1681 Magdalena married Anders Petersson [Longacre], son and heir of Peter Andersson.
1693, (S) 1693 Census – Anders Parsson Longaker, 7 people. They lived at Syamensing, Kingsessing on land valued at £80. This is the first use of the surname “Langaker”, Swedish for “long field”.
8/15/1701, Anders witnessed the will of his sister-in-law Margaret Cock.
10/10/1718 “Andrew” wrote his will, proved 12/10/1718.
Aft. 1722 Magdalena died in Kingsessing.
Peter Longacre, born 1682 in New Sweden.
Anders Longacre, born 1684 in New Sweden.
Margaret Longacre, born 1688 in New Sweden.
Helena Longacre, born 1690 in New Sweden.
Maria Longacre, born 1692 in New Sweden.
Catharine Longacre, born 1696 in New Sweden.
Gabriel Longacre, born ? in New Sweden.
Anna Longacre, born ? in New Sweden.
Magdalena Longacre, born ? in New Sweden.
Brita Longacre, born ? in New Sweden.

viii. Maria Cock, born 1661 in PA.
1671, Maria living with her father.
~1684 Maria married Anders Rambo born 1658, s/o Peter.
1693, (S) 1693 Census – Anders Rambo, 8 people. They live at Passyunk with his parents. A “hired man” also lives with them.
Bef 11/6/1698, Anders died at Passyunk.
4/16/1717 Maria mary granted Letters of Administration for Ander’s estate. (S) Phila. Admin., B146.
John Rambo, born ~1687 in New Sweden.
Anders Rambo, born 1689 in New Sweden.
Peter Rambo, born ~1691 in New Sweden.
Brigitta Rambo, born ~1693 in New Sweden.
Maria Rambo, born ~1695 in New Sweden.
Martha Rambo, born ~1697 in New Sweden.

ix. Gabriel Petersson Cock, born 1663 in PA.
1671, Gabriel living with his father.
~1686 Gabriel married Maria, d/o Nils Larsson Frände.
6/25/1687, Gabriel witnessed his father’s will.
1687, Gabriel inherited his father’s land. He had remained to take care of them.
1693, (S) 1693 Census – Gabriel Cock, 7 people. Gabriel’s mother lives with them on Peter Cock’s Island, Kingsessing, on land valued at £150. A Swedish servant also lives with them.
1714, Gabriel sold his father’s land and moved his family to St. Georges Creek, New Castle Co. to live near Brigitta, widow of his brother John.
8/16/1720, “Gabriel Cox” appears in New Castle Court records.
Peter Cock, born 1688 in New Sweden.
Gabriel Cock Jr, born 1690 in New Sweden.
Gabriel “Cox” married Magdalena ?. (S) Named in Augustine Cox estate records.
Rebecca Cock, born 1692 in New Sweden.
Margaret Cock, born 1695 in New Sweden.
David Cock, born 1697 in New Sweden.
Annaika Cock, born ~1699 in New Sweden.
Ephraim Cock, baptized 6/20/1705 at St. Paul’s Church in Chester.

x. Brigitta Cock, born 1665 in New Sweden.
1671, Brigitta living with her father.
1685, Brigitta brought paternity litigation against John Rambo. The suit was “read to the grand jury in open court at the request of counsel for the prosecution”.
~1686, over a year after the birth of their 1st child, Brigitta married John Rambo born 1661, s/o Peter. For Brigitta’s successful litigation to force John to fulfill his promise of marriage see: Samuel W Pennypacker, Penn. Colonial Cases, 79-84, 108, 112-14.
1687, they established their home on land in Glouchester Co. provided by his father.
1692, “John Rambo” in PA Co., PA. (S) 1692 Petition PA Early Census Index.
1693, (S) 1693 Census – Johan Rambo, 6 people. They live on Little Mantua Creek, Gloucester Co., 175 acres.
8/21/1726 Brigitta died in Gloucester Co.
10/17/1741 John died; will proved 11/21/1741.
Brigitta Rambo, born 11/15/1685 in New Sweden.
Catharine Rambo, born 10/4/1689 in New Sweden.
Margaret Rambo, born 1/23/1691 in New Sweden.
John Rambo, born 7/6/1692 in New Sweden.
1695-98, 1711-16, 1724-27 a justice on the Gloucester Co. Court.
Peter Rambo, born 1/6/1694 in New Sweden.
Maria Rambo, born 5/5/1695 in New Sweden.
Elizabeth Rambo, born ? in New Sweden.
Anders Rambo, born ? in New Sweden.
Gabriel Rambo, born ? in New Sweden.
Martha Rambo, born ? in New Sweden.
Deborah Rambo, born ? in New Sweden.

xi. Margaret Cock (1877), born 1667 in PA.

xii. Catherine Cock, born 1669 in PA.
1671, Catharina living with her father.
~1686 Catherine married Bengt Bengtsson, s/o Anders Bengtsson and Gertrude Rambo.
1693, (S) 1693 Census – Bengt Bengtsson, 2 people. They lived at Moyamensing on land valued at £80.
9/1705, Bengt’s father drowned in the Delaware river.
Bengt served many years as a church warden and member of the council of the Gloria Dei church.
1744, Bengt retired from his positions in the Gloria Dei church.
Bef. 1748 Bengt died.
1748 Catherine died in Moyamensing.
Daniel Bengtsson, born 1694 in New Sweden.
Peter Bengtsson, born 1697 in New Sweden.
Jacob Bengtsson, born 1704 in New Sweden.
Maria Bengtsson, born ? in New Sweden.
