23080. Sir Henry Saville & 23081. Margaret
1484-90, Henry born in England, s/o 46160. John Saville & 46161. Elizabeth Paxton.
3/30/1503, Henry named in the will of his father, “… if my
son Henry or other issue of my body, be within the age of twenty years at the
time of my decease …”.
1504, Henry’s father died, Henry “22 years old and upwards”;
“Grant by Elizabeth Savile, widow of John Sayvile, knight, to William Gascoign,
knight and others … and then to the use of Henry Savile Esq her son in tail, …”
By 1509, Henry married Margaret.
3/4/1530-31, “Indenture. Grant: John Helywell to Robert
Savile, bastard of Henry Savile of Thornhill, and John Thornhill and other
Saviles, 1 garden, etc.” [Thornhill is
in West Yorkshire.]
~1535, Henry married Elizabeth Sothill, coheiress & d/o
1535-36, “Lease. Sir Henry Savile to Thomas Mygeley lands in
Soothill, 20 years.”
7/1/1541, Henry named a supervisor in the will of his
1544-51, “John, son and heir of Robert Succlyff, v. Isabel …,
and Robert Jobson, servant to Henry Savile, knight.: Messuages, cottages, ..”
(S) UKNA, York.
5/5/1546, Correspondence of Sir Henry Savill to [William]
Plumpton: Cousin Plumpton. I write because Roger Ramy told me you would be at
Thornhill about Low Sunday. "Ye shall come to a old house clean down and
as yet little amended; but ye shall be very welcome." … Tomorrow I must
ride to Tankerslay, 8 miles hence, and meet my lord of Shrewsbury, …; so it
will be Friday ere I come home, … Hopes he can put off his coming till then, or
else come to Tankerslay, where he will show him a "polard or two" and
some cockfighting. (S) Letter Papers, F&D, V21, P1, 1908.
1546-47, “Indenture attesting the gift by John Estwode of
Stansfelde of 10s 0d to his chief lord Sir Henry Savile knight in payment for
Henry's right of wardship over John in respect of John's lands held by knight
service in Stansfeld (Stansfield, Yk).” (S) UKNA.
2/19/1552-53, “Sir Henry Savile to the Earl of Shrewsbury,
lord president of the north parts. Asking repayment of loan.”
1552-53, “Grant by Sir Henry Savile of Thornell, knight, and
lord of Ovinden (Ovenden, Yk) to William Dughtie of Ovinden, clothier, of 6
acres of waste at Scolcroft', at an annual rent of 2s 0d.”
1553-55, “Thomas Stanley lord Monteagle, v. Sir Henry Savile.:
York.” (S) UKNA.
11/9/1555, the Earl of Shrewsbury wrote a letter to Sir
Henry Savile requesting Robert appear before him at Sheffield. (S)
Illustrations of British History, Brography, and Manners; 1838, Lodge, P257.
2/15/1555, “Will of Henry Savile of Thornhill.”
3/24/1555-56, Sir Henry Savile to the Earl of Shrewsbury,
President of the North. … “By longe advyse I have de.... at the spryng to enter
the new dyett..... butt suerly I accountt myselff a dead man this yere or the
next at the ferthyst”.
4/23/1557, Henry died. (S) Inq.P.M., UKNA.
8/25/1558, Inquisition P.M.: Henry was seised with his wife
Elizabeth in her right …, with remainder to Edward Sayvell, their son and heir,
and in default of his issue to Elizabeth and her heirs.
(S) Old Yorkshire, William Smith, 1890, P159. (S) UKNA.
Family notes:
Henry’s will:
Feb. 15, 1555. Henrye Savyle, of Thornehill, knyghte. I wyll that my
bodye be buryed at Thornehill if I die wythein the countie of Yorke, the same
buryall and funralles expenses there of to be done by the dystression of my
executrix. I wyll that Dorythe Savyle, my dowghter, shall have all my manors,
landes, tenementes and heridamentes in the countie of Yorke or ells where
wythein the realme of Englande, and shall tayke all the yssues of all the
manors, &c., unto the end of fyve yeres next, and that she shall pay all my
lawfull debtes and performe all my gyftes, &c., in my will. Also I gyve to
Elizabethe my wyffe all my corne in Dewsburye and Emlay peryshes, also all
maner of my goodes there, my playtt onelye except, which playtte wythe all my
goodes wythein the peryshes of Thornhill and Tankersley I gyve to Edwarde
Savyle, my sonne, my corne at Thornhill bothe grovynge and in the laythe
excepted. Also I gyve to John Byrkes all money as he nowe owethe me, except
suche money as he owethe me for corne. And I wyll that my sayde exectrixe shall
appoynt Henrye Bayt to keipe the courtes wythein all my lorde shippes and
manors, and yf he dye, wyche God defende, then Henrye Gryce to enyoye the same
offyce. I gyve unto the sayde Henrye Batte one yerelye annuyte of fortye
shillinges to be payde to hime durynge his lyfe. I gyve Henrye Gryce one
yerelye annuyte of fortye shillinges. I gyve unto Henrye Payge all somes of
money as he dyd owe me at the fourte day of Aprill last past. I wyll that my
executrix shall pay unto George Savyle one hundrethe markes in fyve yeres. I
gyve the profyttes of all the landes belongynge to yonge Claton to my cosyn
Thomas Savyll of Kyrkbye, he honestlie kepinge the sayde Rycherde in lerneynge.
I gyve to the sayde Rycherde his maryage so that he do not marye but by the
consent of John Birkes, John Claton of Dewly (? Denby) grannge, and Robert
Wheatley, or two of them. Also I dyscharge all wardes dew to me at this day of
there maryages. I wyll that all my landes whiche I have commytted in maryage in
the indentors of Henry Savyll of Lupsett, my wyll fulfylled, yf anye thinge
chance to Edwarde Savyll, my son, wythe oute yssew mayle to remayne treulye
accordynge to the same commyttes, and also all landes as I have couynanted in
maryage in the indentors of couynantes of Robert Savill shall remayne to the
true intent of the same couinanttes. Also I gyve unto my dowgter Dorythe my
leasses of Waythe and Bolton frome the terme of Ester next to the end of thos
yeres that I nowe have in the same so that she suffer my son Thomas Wentworthe
and his uncle Thomas Wentworthe durynge the same terme to haue that that they
do occupye at this present day paynges lyke rentes for the same as they do to
me. And I wyll my dettes and bequestes be truly payd wythe reasonable charges
for execution of my wyll. And all the rest of the revynes to be resayved
durynge the sayde fyve yeres I gyve to Dorythe Savyle, my dowgter, for the
avauncement of hir maryage. Also I gyve Geffray Barmeby and Fraunces his Wyffe
all my leas and terme I haue of the Lady Brandon durynge there lyves, and yf
they dye durynge the sayd yeares I gyve the rest of the sayde terme to the
heyres malle of there two bodyes lawfullye begotten. I do mayke the abouesayde
Dorythe, my dowghter, my hole executrix. Thes beynge wytnes, Alverye Coppelay,
esquyer, Thomas Cockson, preist, Henrye Batte. I mayke the supervisors of my
wyll Sir Thomas Gargrave, Sir John Nevyle, and Sir Wyllm Caluerlay, knyghtes,
and every one of them to have twentye nobylls for there paynes. No probate
annexed (Reg. Test., xv, ii, 387).
Inq. p.
m. … (1558). … taken at Pontefract before Thos. Gargrave, ..... Nevile, Knt., …
The Jury say he was seised with his wife Elizabeth in her right in the manors
of Soythyll, Rowtonstall, Laxton, Hadlesay, Daryngton and Emley, and of 10
watermills, 1 windmill, ... with remainder to Edward Sayvell, their son and
heir, and in default of his issue to Elizabeth and her heirs. Sir Henry before
his death, in consideration of a marriage between Henry Sayvell of Lupset,
Esq., his kinsman, and Margaret Fuller, one of the daughters and heiresses of
Thos. Fuller, late of Islington, Esq., granted an estate in Hunsworth to the
said Henry, Knt., and heirs, … in default to Robert Sayvell and heirs, … In
consideration of a marriage between Robert Sayvell and Anne Thymbleby, widow,
he granted to Humfrey Browne, Knt., and Francis Ascough, Knt., he would have an
estate made in the manors of Elland, etc., to the use of Sir Henry, Knt., remainders
to Robert Sayvell, the heirs of Thomas Sayvell, late of Lupsett. In
consideration of a marriage between Edward Sayvell, his son and heir, and Mary,
one of the daughters and heiresses of Richard Leigh, Knt., he granted to said
Edward and Mary and their heirs the manors of Tankersley and Southourome, the
park of Southourome called Eland Park, and ...
Children of Henry
and Barkston:
i. Robert Savile (11540), born bef. 1510 in England.
Children of Henry
and Lady Elizabeth:
ii. Edward Savile, born 1537 in England.
7/1/1541, Edward given “a spoon” in the will of his
grandmother Savile.
2/15/1555, Edward given manors, lands, … in the will of his
8/25/1558, Edward heir at Inq. P.M. of his father.
Bef. 9/28/1559, Edward died. His estates were transferred to
the family of Henry Savile of Lupset, a related family.
iii. Dorothie Savile, born ~1538 in England.
7/1/1541, Dorothie given “a spoon” in the will of her
grandmother Savile.
2/15/1555, Dorythe given manors, lands, … in the will of her