340. Robert Boulay & 341. Francoise Grenier [Fra, Can]
1630, Robert born in diocese Montagne, St. Germaine De Loise, Perche (now Orne), France; s/o §Nicholas Boulet & §Jeanne L’Escallier.
1634, Francoise born in St. Germain-de-Loise, Mortagne, Perche, France; d/o 682. Claude Grenier & 683. Marie Catherine Huot.
1/11/1657, Robert married Francoise in St. Germaine De Loise, Montagne, Perche, France.
4/10/1659, daughter Jacqueline baptized at St. Germain.
6/6/1662, cited by Pierre Moreau, prior to his leaving La Rochelle, for a loan (bond) that allowed Robert, Francoise and daughter Jacqueline to travel to La Rochelle. (S) Bond, Robert Boule to Charles Turgeon.
6/23/1662 Robert left France for New France with his wife during a food shortage. Robert borrowed from Charles Turgeon 20 livre to pay his voyage. Charles was on the same boat. The trip was directed by Pierre Boucher who was requested by the King of France. Two ships, the Eagle-of-Gold and the St-Jean-Baptiste were under his command. They carried 300 people in all, which included many soldiers. The trip took longer than expected and 32 people died on the voyage.
11/8/1662, Robert refunded to Charles the money he had borrowed in France.
11/6/1663, Robert obtains from the lord of Lirec, Ile of Orleans, a ground of 3 arpents face between Pierre Boucher and Pierre Roches.
2/6/1664 at Chateau Richer, son Jacques christened. His godfather was Jacques Letourneau, his godmother Marie Madeleine Boucher.
1666 Census of Ste-Famille I.O., Robert 36 and a farmer, Françoise 36, Jacqueline 8, Jacques 2, Jean [Roy] 6 months; with 5 head of cattle and 6 arpents of cleared land.
4/17/1667, son Jean Baptiste baptized; Jean Jouanne was his godmother.
1667 Census of Ste-Famille I.O., Robert, 36 and a farmer, Francoise 36, Jacqueline 9, Jacques 4 and Jean Baptist 4 months. 5 animals & 6 arpents of ground in value.
6/22/1667, Robert acquired a concession on St-Jean Island, close to Nicolas Audet. Robert was hired by Nicolas “to help him build a house to be finished within one year from this day”.
2/20/1669 in Ste-Famille I.O., son Pierre baptized by Father Thomas Morel; godfather Pierre Martin. [Probably not related to Pierre Martin674. While the families originated in the same area of France, they lived in different areas of Acadia.]
2/22/1669, Mgr of Laval gave Robert his title of owner. He had neighbors Nicolas Audet dit Lapointe and Pierre Michel.
11/25/1670, Robert sells his land between Pierre Boucher and Pierre Roches to Jean-Galéran Boucher for the sum of 400 pounds.
12/30/1670 in Ste-Famille I.O., they buried their daughter Marie.
3/27/1672 in Ste-Famille I.O., son Martin baptized; his godfather was Martin Bauche.
6/8/1672, residents of in Ste-Famille I.O., they celebrated the wedding of their daughter Jacqueline.
9/21/1672 in Ste-Famille I.O., Francoise the godmother to Nicolas Hode, s/o Nicolas.
2/24/1674 in Ste-Famille I.O., Francoise the godmother to Jean Guilimet, s/o Nicolas.
6/19/1674, Robert received, in the name of his son Jacques, 3 arpents on Point-on-the-Curdles (Montmagny).
8/11/1674, daughter Francoise baptized; godparents Jean Royer & aunt Jacqueline Boulay.
11/19/1675, Robert sold the 3 arpents of 1674 [Seigniory of Mgr. of Laval] to Pierre Mairier for the sum of 165 pounds, and Francoise received a pair of French shoes worth 5 livres. The sale was signed at Beauport by the notary Vachon, in the presence of Michel Huppe and Jean Crete.
9/19/1677, son Robert Paul baptized.
1679, Louis Couillard of Espinay conceded in Robert Boulay a ground of 6 arpents on the edge of the river with St Thomas of the Point with the Ruail (Montmagny).
1681 Census in Berthier-en-Bas, Robert, 50 and a farmer, Françoise 44, children Jacques 17, Pierre 12, Martin 9, Francoise 7, Robert 4, Jean 2. He had 1 rifle, 6 animals with horns, and 5 arpents in value. Their daughter Jacqueline and her husband Pierre Joncas lived nearby.
4/21/1686, Robert & Francoise residents of Seigneurie De L’espinay, Paroisse De St-Thomas in wedding document of son Jacques.
4/25/1695, residents of St Thomas Eveche de Québec, they celebrated the wedding of their son Paul.
10/13/1698, residents of St Thomas, they celebrated the wedding of their son Martin.
7/10/1699, Robert & Francoise make arrangements with their son Martin to provide for their needs until their death before the notary François Genaple.
3/24/1707 in St. Thomas-de-a-la-Caille, Robert, 76, died; buried the next day.
1/28/1709 in St. Thomas-de-a-la-Caille, Francoise “Boule”, age 75, died; buried the next day.
(S) Rene Jette, 145. (S) MCH&GS, V36, 2000, PP95-99. (S) Dictionnaire Genealogique des familles canadiennes dupuis la fondation de la colonie jusqu’d nos jours, Vol. 2, Families Abel to Chapuy. (S) Dictionnaire Genealogique des Families du Quebec. (S) PRDH.
Children of Robert and Francoise:
i. Jacqueline Boulay, born 4/10/1659 in St. Germain de Loise, France.
[A twin – the other, Francoise died as an infant.]
6/23/1662, Jacqueline traveled to New France with her parents.
1666 Census, Jacqueline, 8, named as a child of her family living on the Isle Orleans.
1667 Census, Jacqueline, 9, named as a child of her family living on the Isle Orleans.
Jacqueline, as a young child, was sent to study with the Ursulines of Quebec.
6/8/1672 by the abbé Thomas Morel, missionary of the south shore (Sainte-Famille parish register), after the publication of three banns, Jacqueline married Pierre Joncas dit Lapierre, born in Maurens, Bishopric of Lombès, Gascony, France, s/o Antoine Joncas and Arnaude Galline.
10/16/1672 in Îles-aux-Oies, Jacqueline is the godmother to a son of Pierre Terrienne. (S) Quebec City Register.
8/11/1674 Ste-Famille I.O., Jacqueline godmother to her little sister Francoise.
5/3/1679 in Quebec, Jacqueline, a resident of Pointe-a-la-Caille, godmother to Angelique Blanchet, d/o Marie Anne Fournier342ii.
1681 Census Berthier-en-Bas, Pierre 33, Jacqueline 23, & children : Pierre 8, Jacqueline 4, Jean 2.
3/7/1682, in Montmagny, “Jacquette” godmother to Joseph Blanchet; godfather Joseph Fournier.
4/21/1686, they attended the wedding of her brother Jacques Boulay170.
8/12/1688 in Montmagny, Jacqueline godmother to Angelique Prou; godfather her uncle Pierre Fournier342ix.
7/20/1694, Jacqueline, 36, a patient at the hospital Hotel-Dieu.
11/1/1696 in Montmagny, Jacqueline godmother to Francois Huet; godfather Jacqueline’s brother Jacques Boulay170.
6/1/1706 in Montmagny, Jacqueline godmother to Marie Angelique Langlois, d/o Louise Nolin, Jacqueline’s daughter-in-law by her deceased son Pierre.
12/2/1717 in Montmagny, Jacqueline godmother to Jean Fournier, her great-grandson.
5/21/1718, Pierre, 75, died in St. Thomas de La Pointe A La Caille, Montmagny, Québec. Louis Coste attended at the burial; the priest Richard.
5/2/1719 in Montmagny, Jacqueline attended the wedding of her grandson Pierre Joncas.
Jacqueline continued to live on her half of the land, which held an old house of decaying wood.
2/22/1736 Jacqueline, surviving her husband for 19 years, died. She was buried in Saint-Thomas L’apotre, Montréal, Québec by priest Fornel. Grandson Joseph Joncas attended the burial.
Pierre Joncas, born 9/26/1673 in Île-aux-Grues, Québec ; baptized 10/14/1673.
7/30/1696 in St Pierre I.O., Quebec, he married Louise Nolin, d/o Jacques Nolin dit Descchatelets and Francoise Chalifour.
8/22/1704, Pierre, 32, died; buried the next day. He was found dead in a bear trap.
8/27/1754 in Montmagny, Louise, given age of 76, buried.
Jacqueline Joncas, born 1677.
Jean Joncas, born 1679.
ii. Jacques Boulay ( 170), born 2/6/1664 in Chateau-Richer, Québec.
iii. Jean Roy Boulay, born 1666.
1666 Census, Jean named as a child of the family living on the Isle Orleans.
Bef. 1667 Roy died; he is not in the 1667 census.
iv. Jean Baptiste Boulay, baptized 4/17/1667 in Ste. Famille Ile-d’Orleans, Québec,
Bef 1681 Jean died – he is not mentioned in the 1681 census.
v. Pierre Boulay, born 2/18/1669 in Ste. Famille Ile-d’Orleans, Québec;
1681 Census, Pierre named as a member of the family living in Montmagny.
1/18/1689 in Montmagny, Pierre, age 20, died.
vi. Marie Boulay, baptized 12/20/1670 in Ste. Famille Ile-d’Orleans, Québec.
Marie died 10 days later.
vii. Martin Boulay, born 3/21/1672 in Ste. Famille Ile-d’Orleans, Québec.
1681 Census, Martin named as a member of the family living in Montmagny.
4/25/1695 in Notre Dame, Quebec, Martin attended the wedding of his brother Paul.
10/13/1698 in St-Pierre I.O., Martin married Francoise Nolin, d/o Jacques & Francoise Chalifour. Cure Dauric performed the ceremony.
7/10/1699, Martin agreed to take care of his parents until their deaths.
1715, 3 daughters died within 2 weeks of each other: Angélique 15, Marie Anne 12, & Genevieve 10.
1/31/1719 in Montmagny, Martin attended the wedding of Francoise’s sister Louise Nolin & seigneur Louis Couillard.
8/17/1719 in Montmagny, Martin godfather to Marie Fournier368ii.
8/15/1721 in Montmagny, Francoise godmother to her niece Marie Anne Couillard, d/o her sister Louise.
1/24/1724 in Montmagny, Francoise died. Charles Fournier and Germain Guimond assisted at the burial.
2/16/1724 in Montmagny, Martin attended the burial of Marie Caron, spouse of Louis Fournier342xi.
10/16/1728 in Montmagny, Martin died. Charles Fournier, Nicolas Bouchard & Guy Morin assisted at the burial.
Angélique Boulay, born 8/24/1699 in Montmagny.
7/23/1715 in Montmagny, age 15, she died.
Louise Francoise Boulay, born 1/10/1701 in Montmagny; godmother her aunt Louise Nolin.
11/22/1723 in Montmagny, she married Jacques Couillard dit Després.
12/31/1728 in Montmagny, she died.
Marie Anne Boulay, born 2/24/1703 in Montmagny; godfather Alphonse Morin687xiii.
8/1/1715 in Montmagny, age 12, she died.
Genevieve Boulay, born 2/10/1705 in Montmagny.
7/20/1715 in Montmagny, age 10, she died.
Robert Boulay I, born 10/2/1706 in Montmagny.
6/14/1714 in Montmagny, age 7, he died.
Jacques Martin Boulay, born 9/6/1708 in Montmagny.
2/20/1730 in Berthier-en-Bas, he married Marie Josèphe Chiasson, d/o Michel338vi.
4/29/1743, he married Marie Madeleine Gagné.
12/13/1764 in Montmagny, he died.
Élisabeth Boulay, born 7/8/1710 in Montmagny.
1/12/1728 in Montmagny, she married Joseph Deneau, s/o Anne Morin336v.
8/27/1731 in Montmagny, she died.
Alexis Boulay, born 4/9/1712 in Montmagny.
2/22/1740 in Montmagny, he married Marie Élisabeth Fournier, d/o Joseph, s/o Joseph342v.
4/13/1755 in Montmagny, he died.
Robert Boulay II, born 8/23/1714 in Montmagny; godfather was Pierre Joncas.
10/25/1733 in Montmagny, age 19, he died.
Jean Marie Boulay, born 9/26/1716 in Montmagny.
1/2/1736 in Montmagny, age 19, he died.
Marie Angélique Boulay, born 1718 in Montmagny.
7/6/1733 in Quebec, she married Étienne Corbin.
4/27/1765 in Quebec, she died.
viii. Marie Francoise Boulay, born 8/9/1674 in Ste. Famille Ile-d’Orleans, Québec.
1681 Census, Francoise named as a member of the family living in Montmagny.
Francoise was sent to study with the Ursulines of Quebec.
2/21/1689, Marie married her 1st cousin Pierre Bernier, s/o Antoinette Grenier682i.
1713, Pierre succeeded his deceased father as seigneurie.
9/18/1741 Pierre died.
9/23/1741 Marie died in L’Islet, St. Thomas, Montmagny, Québec, Canada.
Genevieve Bernier, born 9/20/1690 in Cap-St-Ignace.
10/13/1710 in Cap-St-Ignace, she married Jean Baptiste Gaudreau.
Marie Madeleine Bernier, born 12/6/1692 in Cap-St-Ignace.
2/27/1713 in Cap-St-Ignace, she married Joseph Caron.
Marie Angelique Bernier, born 3/10/1695 in Cap-St-Ignace.
10/24/1713 in Cap-St-Ignace, she married Francois Moreau.
Jacques Bernier, born 2/25/1697 in Cap-St-Ignace.
10/13/1710 in Quebec, he married Elisabeth Guillet.
Pierre Bernier, born 6/6/1699 in Cap-St-Ignace.
4/15/1704 in Cap-St-Ignace, age 4, he died.
Charlotte Francoise Marie Bernier, born 2/5/1701 in Cap-St-Ignace.
11/6/1719 in Cap-St-Ignace, she married Francois Richard.
Joseph Bernier, born 3/25/1703 in Cap-St-Ignace.
Pierre Basile Bernier, born 2/9/1705 in L’Islet.
10/29/1727 in L’Islet, he married Marie Josephe Fortin.
Pierre Bernier II, born 8/30/1706 in Cap-St-Ignace.
8/25/1711 in Cap-St-Ignace, age 5, he died.
Louis Bernier, born 9/2/1708 in Cap-St-Ignace.
4/17/1730 in Cap-St-Ignace, he married Marguerite Lemieux.
Jean Baptiste Bernier, born 10/28/1710 in Cap-St-Ignace.
Claire Bernier, born 4/3/1712 in Cap-St-Ignace.
Marie Claire Bernier, born 9/13/1713 in Cap-St-Ignace.
Joseph Bernier II, born ~1714 in Cap-St-Ignace.
10/29/1738 in L’Islet, he married Marie Madeleine Caron.
9/28/1743 in L’Islet, he died.
ix. Robert Paul Boulay, born 8/21/1677 in Riviere du-Sud, Québec.
1681 Census, Robert named as a 4-year-old member of the family living in Montmagny.
4/25/1695 in Notre Dame, Quebec, Paul married Marie Francoise Pasquier/Paquet, born 2/7/1678 in France. The witnesses were from the distinguished people of the capital; Francois Hazeur – one of the most important merchants of the region, Nicolas Regeot – son of the notary and Sieur de Saint-Luc; Jacques Liberge – cutler, Jean Poitras – master wood worker and son of Joseph and Jean Dubreuil. Her brothers Jacques & Francois attended, as did his brother Martin.
Paul had a a concession with 6 arpents of frontage by 42 in depth at Riviere-du-Sud.
5/2/1731, Paul exchanged two-thirds of a farm with house, barn, stable, for a site owned by Jacques Joncas – brother of Pierre, in “the enclosure of the Semimary” in Quebec. The lot had a one-story stone house, with 2 fireplaces and a wood roof.
Paul settled at Point-de-Levy and was involved in fishing the Etchemin River.
2/16/1736 in Lauzon, Paul, age 60, died; buried the next day in St. Henri, Quebec. Prisque Boucher, the parish clerk, attended the burial.
3/18/1765, Francoise, age 90 & spouse of deceased Paul Boulette, died. Buried 6 days later, she was the 1st person buried in the cemetery of Saint-Henri-de-Lauzon. Her son Augustin attended the burial.
Marie Francoise Boulay, born 12/27/1696 in Quebec.
10/20/1734 in Montmagny, she married Antoine Gupil dit Laviolette.
Marie Madeleine Boulay, born 1699 in Montmagny.
9/30/1721 in Montmagny, she married Charles Destroismaisons dit Picard.
Paul Martin Boulay, born 4/22/1701 in Montmagny.
Paul Boulay, born 1702 in Quebec.
11/6/1730 in La Durantaye, he married Marie Dorothee Bissonnette.
Marie Genevieve Boulay, born 6/23/1705 in Montmagny.
2/9/1740 in St-Vallier, she married Joseph Gaboury dit Lemajor.
Francois Boulay, born 7/26/1707 in Cap-St-Ignace.
10/29/1732 in Lauzon, he married Marie Anne Dubois. [Same day as Pierre.]
Pierre Boulay, born 7/1/1709 in Cap-St-Ignace.
10/29/1732 in Lauzon, he married Marie Genevieve Beaulieu. [Same day as Francois.]
Augustin Boulay, born 4/13/1711 in Montmagny.
5/5/1733 in St-Vallier, he married Marie Suzanne Corriveau.
Elisabeth Boulay, born 5/10/1713 in Montmagny.
1/7/1734 in Lauzon, she married Jean Courtois.
Rosalie Boulay, born 4/5/1715 in Montmagny.
6/22/1739 in Lauzon, she married Ignace Samson.
Louis Boulay, born ? in Montmagny.
5/11/1739 in Lauzon, he married Marie Angelique Samson.
Alexis Boulay, born ? in Montmagny.
1/20/1744 in Lauzon, he married Marie Genevieve Samson.
x. Jean Paul Boulay, born 1679 in Riviere du-Sud, Québec.
1681 Census, Jean named as a 2-year-old member of the family living in Montmagny.