194. Jean Baptiste Nicaise dit Boncoeur & 195. Marie Catherine Miout [Fra, AL]
~ 1725, Jean born in Paris, St. Benoit, France; s/o §Jacque Nicaise & §Catherine Du Veer. (S) Love’s Legacy, P245.
~1731, Marie born in Ft. Toulouse, MobCo., AL; d/o 390. Andre Miout and 391. Marie Angelique Girard. (S) Love’s Legacy, P245. [According to her marriage record, Marie was born at the “Alibamons Post”, which was the Ft. Toulouse settlement; about 10 miles northeast of present-day Montgomery.]
5/11/1745, they married in MobCo., AL. (S) MAA, MB1, P33. [Marie was barely 14 years old when she married 20-year-old Jean Baptiste Nicaise. She lost two children at birth by the time she was 17.]
1745, Jean a Fusilier in Captain de Terrepuy’s Company of the Louisiana Troops. (S) Louisiana Troops.
5/1/1750, Jean discharged from the military. (S) Louisiana Troops, P90.
1760, Jean replaced his father-in-law as Patron of the King in Mobile. He is last person known to be given this designation. (S) Col. Mobile, P173.
2/10/1764, (S) 1764 British Census of Mobile, West Florida.,
1764–1768, Jean died.
12/21/1768, Marie was the godmother at the baptism of her grandson Bartholomy Grelot48.
1773, Marie, “the widow Nicaise”, was the godmother to Marianne Bousage88iv. (S) No. 88 Family notes. The same day, Marie, was the godmother to her granddaughter Justine Grelot96ii.
Aft. 1773 Marie died in MobCo., AL.
(S) Bouzage Bosarge, P46.
Family notes:
• Jean and Marie lived on a concession of land called Belle Fontaine, located 18 miles below Mobile on Fowl River. One source says that this land was approximately 5,000 acres. On 8/9/1793, his property was sold by his sons Martial and Joseph and sons-in-law, Philippe Saucier and Barthelemy Grelot. (S) Deed from Henry Gimarest to Daniel Ware, 1784. These four men and their families then left Mobile and moved into the area around the Bay of St. Louis and Wolf River.
• P. D. Nicaise’s theory is that the name Nicaise originally meant “resident of Nice” (a city in Southern France); just as Francaise means “French” or “resident of France”. The Saint Nicaise Church, located in Rouen, France, was built in the 1400s. It was heavily damaged by allied bombing in World War II, but has been restored.
Children of Jean and Marie:
i. Jean Baptiste Andre Nicaise, born 9/10/1747,
~1747 Jean died as an infant.
ii. Jean Baptiste Noel Nicaise, born ~ 1748.
1749 Jean died as an infant.
iii. Marie Jeanne Nicaise ( 97), born 12/22/1749.
iv. Jean Baptiste Martial Nicaise, born 4/4/1753 in MobCo., AL.
10/25/177?, Martial was the godfather to his neice Ursula, d/o Marie97.
3/22/1780, Maircial took the oath of allegiance to the Spanish King. (S) LMVDP, Inglis.
1781, Marshall J. Nicaise settled on the old Saucier grant at Delisle. (This is the Jean Baptiste Saucier grant of 1712.) (S) History of Pass Christian, 1976, P9.
1792, Joseph and Martial received Spanish Land grants. (S) No. 96 Family notes.
8/9/1793 – involved in sale of Belle Fontaine Plantation of Jean194. (S) No. 96 on 8/9/1793.
12/9/1801 Jean married Louise Baptiste Christian Ladnier, d/o Jean160i. (S) CIC, MB2, P139.
9/1808–10/1809 Jean helped Don Nicholas de Finiels, an engineer, to survey the MS coastal area. (S) LSU Libr., Pintado Papers, Bk. J, P122-3.
7/9/1813 Martial gifted Laurent Fayard, s/o Pierre492v, a parcel of land. (S) HancCo., DB-D, PP127-32.
Children: (S) C S Castelin, C5.
Louise Nicaise, born ~1785, baptized in N.O., LA. (S) SLC, BB1, P352.
1st she married Louis “Pierre” Fayard, son Louis492vi. (S) L.O., P25.
2nd she married ? Mallet.
Judith Nicaise, born 11/17/1787.
11/1/1789 Judith baptized. (S) CIC, BB2, P86, A584.
11/25/1805 she married Pierre Morin42vi.
Marie Nicaise, born ~1789.
She married Francois Ladner Jr, s/o Francois86v.
Claude Nicaise, born 1/3/1791. (S) SLC, BB2, P184, A942.
Never married, died young.
Ursule “Eurcuile” M Nicaise, born 1792.
1825 she married JPFM “Chevalier” Dedeaux, born 1780 in France, died 1862 in MS.
1863 she died, buried with Chevalier in Delisle Bayou Cem., HanCo., MS.
Son: Louis Dedeaux., 11/19/1820-3/27/1908, married Margaret Saucier, 1823-1908.
Justine Nicaise, born 1/10/1797.
7/4/1813 she married Elihu Carver Sr.
3/1/1849 Justine died. (S) L.O., P56.
Isabel Nicaise, baptized 4/21/1801.
4/15/1818 she married Pierre Saucier Jr, s/o Ursula Grelot96iii.
Bef. 1850 she died. Pierre is remarried.
Jean Baptiste Nicaise Jr, born 12/31/1802. (S) SLC, BB4, P31, A257.
Never married.
Charles Nicaise, born 3/3/1805. (S) SLC, BB4, P115, A683.
1st he married Josephine Garnier.
2nd he married Euphrosine Favre.
3rd he married Cecile Ladner, d/o Louise Morin42viii.
Arsenette Nicaise, born 5/30/1807. (S) SLC, BB5, P51, A695.
1st she married Michael Luc de Guerre.
2nd she married Pierre Sorbet.
v. Joseph Nicaise, 8/23/1755 in MobCo., AL.
~1781 he married Jeanette Dufilly.
7/8/1784 Joseph was godfather to Margarita Grelot96iv.
1792, Joseph and Martial received Spanish Land grants. (S) No. 96 Family notes.
8/9/1793 – involved in sale of Belle Fontaine Plantation of Jean194. (S) No. 96 on 8/9/1793.
Jean Baptiste Nicaise, born ?.
1810, he married Genevieve Ladner d/o Jean Jr, s/o Jean160i, born 2/29/1792.
Louise Nicaise, born ?.
9/23/1812 she married Sylvan Dubuisson.
Marie Mary Nicaise, born ?.
1/9/1812 she married Eugene Dubuisson.
J Charles Nicaise, born 1783.
11/23/1805 he married Euphrosine Favre-Lardasse.
Eloisa Louise Nicaise, born 1796 in LA.
Josephine Nicaise, born 1800 in LA.
3/23/1817 she 1st married Joseph Labat Jr, died 1/1/1818. (S) L.O., P34.
2nd she married Phillip Saucier, s/o Ursula Grelot96iii.
(S) 1850 Census, MS, HarrCo.
vi. Charles Nicaise, born 8/23/1759.
vii. Marie Louise Nicaise, born 8/15/1765 in MobCo., AL.
Marie married Philippe Saucier, born 5/1/1747 in MobCo., AL.
8/9/1793 – involved in sale of Belle Fontaine Plantation of Jean194. (S) No. 96 on 8/9/1793.
7/16/1794, Phillippe granted 20 arpens fronting on Bayou de Lisle. (S) No. 96 Family notes.
6/1806, Phillip wrote of a judgment against 5 men held in prison. (S) LMVDP, Inglis.
8/5/1808 Phillip reported to the Spanish that 4 American gunboats were anchored near Cat Island.
9/1808–10/1809 Phillippe, the local “Syndic”, helped Don Nicholas de Finiels, an engineer, to survey the MS coastal area. (S) LSU Libr., Pintado Papers, Bk. J, P122-3.
1820 Phillip died. (S) C S Castelin, C5,P2.
1848 Marie died in Delisle, MS.
Children: (S) C S Castelin, C5.
Magdeleine Saucier, born 1783.
2/19/1810 she married Chevalier Dedeaux, born 1780 in France, died 1862 in MS.
1824 she died, buried with Chevalier in Delisle Bayou Cem., HanCo., MS.
[Chevalier then married her 1st cousin Ursule.]
Son: Sherry Dedeaux born 1811 in HanCo., MS, died 1863, married Elizabeth ?.
Jean Phillip Saucier, born 1785.
9/21/1817 he married Marguerite Grelot.
Eugene Saucier, born ?.
He married twice.
Marie Louise Saucier, born ~1790.
3/10/1814 she married Ramon S Lizana.
Victorie Uranie Saucier, born 3/2/1793.
She married Jean Baptiste Toulme.
Lucille Saucier, born 12/29/1795.
She married Bertrand Lassabe.
1849 she died.
Basalice Saucier, born 5/301798.
2/11/1817 she married Jean Cassibry.
Jacques Saucier, born 2/3/1803.
He married Adele Saucier.
Pierre Saucier, born 7/6/1804.
1/24/1840 he married Eliza Nicaise.