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Sunday, January 24, 2010
Jean Baptise Baudrau Dit Graveline II & Marie Catherine Vinconnau
178. Jean Baptise Baudrau Dit Graveline II & 179. Marie Catherine Vinconnau [Fra, AL, LA]
[Family is basis for well-researched fiction novel by Eloise Genest.]
9/11/1715, Marie born in Notre Dame, La Rochelle, France; d/o 358. Louis Vinconnau and 359. Catherine Doucin.
9/13/1715 Marie baptized. (S) No. 358 Family notes.
1717, Jean born on Dauphine Island, AL; s/o 350. Jean Baptise Baudreau Dit Graveline I & 357. Marie Suzanne Panyouasas. (S) Graveline Society Publication of 2004, article “New Discovery” by Eloise Genest.
3/17/1719, Marie left France with her mother on the ship Dauphine bound for LA.
1/1/1726 Census of the colony of Louisiana. At Pascagoula, Graveline, 2 children [Jean & Magdeleine]. (S) Census Tables 1699–1732.
7/3/1727, Jean attended the formal wedding of his father and mother. (S) No. 350 Family notes.
3/1/1734, Jean married Marie in Pascagoula, MS. “On March 1, 1734, I, a Capuchin apostolic missionary priest, in his function as Pastor of Fort Conde of Mobile and the Pascagoulas and dependent [area], after the publi¬cation of one marriage bann at the parochial Mass on Septuagesima Sunday, February 21, without having received any impediments, and having given a dispensation for the two other (banns), between Jean Baptiste Baudrau, Creole of Dauphin Island, son of Jean Baptiste Baudrau dit Graveline, Captain of the Militia, resident of the Pasca¬goulas, and Suzanne, his father and mother, on one part; and Marie Catherine Vinconnau of La Rochelle, daughter of the deceased Louis Vinconnau, master tailor of garments, and of Catherine Doussin, wife in second nuptials of Joseph Simon dit La Pointe, resident of the Pascagoulas, have received their mutual consent and given the nuptial blessing with the ordinary ceremonies of the Church at the home of the said La Pointe, in presence of the undersigned witnesses and me on the day and year as above.” /s/ Fr. Matthias, Apostolic Missionary. (S) MAA, BB1, P102. – Witnesses signing were: Jean Baptist Baudrau, father of the groom; (Charles) Egron (dit La Motte); Christian (Ladner); (Francois) Rilieux, spouse of Marie Renee Alexandre dit Chenet; Nicholas Bodin (dit Miragouin); Pierre Millon (son-in-law of Joseph Simon); Nicolas Rousseau (resident of Dauphine Island in 1730’s who later moved to LA’s German Coast). The wedding took place in the home of Joseph Simon dit la Pointe in Pascagoula. (S) Love’s Legacy, P29.
10/10/1734 on Dauphin Island, baptism of Catherine Roussau, “Godparents were … by proxy of Jean Baptiste Baudreau dit Graveline, and Catherine Vinconneau, wife of Mr. Boudrau, Jr., who have named her Catherine. In faith I have signed on the day and year above with said Bodrau. The godmother made her mark, stating she could not write.” (S) SRAoM, #726.
6/20/1735, Jean witnessed a marriage. (S) Love’s Legacy, P95.
11/3/1736, “The year 1736, the 3rd of November, we priest, Capuchin, apostolic missionary, acting as pastor of Fort Conde of Mobile, of the Pascagoulas, and dependencies have supplied the ceremonies of baptism to Jean Baptiste Boderau and to Marie Boderau, the boy born on the 14th of Sep. 1736, the girl on the 4th of Jan. 1735, legitimate son and daughter of Jean Boderau and Catherine Chenet, the godfather Jean Baptiste Boderau, and the godmother Marie Joseph Simon dit LaPointe for the boy, those of the girl Thomas Desessigne, the godmother Catherine Doussin.” (S) MAA, MB1, P16a. [Marie “Chenet” was also present for multiple baptisms. The confusion of who was who is obvious from the mark through on the baptism on the same day of Francois Rilieaux, P125. Jean was named the godfather and Marie the godmother of the same child being baptized, with her name given as “Vinconnau”. Catherine Chenet is obviously Marie Chenet, but the names were mixed. On the same day, Jean and Catherine were godparents for a negro boy being baptized who belonged to Marie’s godfather. (S) Love’s Legacy, P129.]
5/30/1742, “On May 30, 1742, I, the undersigned, certify to have performed the ceremony of baptism on a girl born on January 13, 1742, from the legitimate marriage of Jean Baptiste Boudrot and Catherine Vicconneau, the godfather being Bobe Desloseaux, the godmother Mrs. Grondel, who gave the child the name of Louise Catherine. They have signed the document with me.” /s/ Ferdinand, Capucin. (S) MAA, BB1, P141.
They moved to New Orleans, “beyond the city, opposite the residence of Mr. Demorand.”. (S) See 8/14/1752.
1743, One of Jean’s liaisons was with young Marie Huet. He was a frequent visitor to her father’s plantation at San Souci, delivering cattle from Pascagoula. He took advantage of the opportunities afforded when the Widow Huet left the San Souci plantation to deliver cattle to his father’s place in Pascagoula. A friendship soon became a love affair. The fact that he was a married man with four children did not seem to be a concern. It wasn’t long before Marie Huet found herself pregnant.
12/1743, Jean took Marie Henrietta Huet as a consort and fled to Havana with a couple of slaves to tend Marie who was about to have their first child. (S) Love’s Legacy, P79. She was born ~1730. She was from the prominent family of Guillaume Huet and Perrine Rivouet. [Their love story is told in the romantic historical novel The Passions Of Princes by Eloise Genest.]
7/1744, Jean350 sailed down to Cuba to return his son, Jean Baptiste, to provincial Louisiana where he faced kidnapping charges as filed by Marie Henriette’s guardian. Marie Henriette was returned to Oyster Point on a separate ship. Marie was apparently pregnant with their son Pierre on the return voyage since he was born the following spring. Marie was put under “house arrest” by her guardian.
4/25/1747, a petition was granted by Louboey, the commandant at Mobile, to award Marie Henriette a pension for support of Marie Henriette and the children, Julie and Pierre. (S) Records of the Superior Council of Louisiana.
1748, Marie Huet married Jean Baptiste Bidaut dit LaJeunesse, a sergeant in Hazeur’s company and a churchwarden.
2/7/1750, Grandmother Catherine gifted 21 cows to her grandchildren. (S) No. 178 Family notes – separation agreement.
1750, Jean disinherited by his father. (S) No. 350 Family notes.
3/30/1752 Marie’s mother died. (S) No. 358 Family notes.
4/22/1752 in Mobile, Marie’s mother’s property is divided amongst her children. Marie received an Indian woman name Babet, about 45, and her daughter Elizabeth. (S) No. 178 Family notes – separation agreement.
8/5/1752, Marie filed for separation from Jean, indicating she is afraid he will squander all of the family property, including items given to her and the children. (S) Family notes.
8/14/1752, the “four witnesses of faith” are ordered to appear before the commissioner. In the order it indicates that Marie is living in New Orleans. (S) MCH&GS, V23, #3, P82.
10/30/1754 a settlement in the separation of Marie and Jean was finalized. When the commissioner and others went to the house for an inventory, Jean was there. He agreed to all points of the separation. Marie was to be allowed to live in Jean’s home for 3 years, paying rent of 10 livers a month. (S) Family notes.
9/5/1756 Catherine, in New Orleans, was the godmother to her great nephew Michael Gargaret II, s/o Marie Paquet174i.
1757, Jean executed, “broken at the wheel”. (S) Family notes.
3/25/1768, Marie moved back to the MS coast. Marie bought land with “a house and several other buildings” from Mr. Duvernay for $60.00. This land was located at the mouth of the Pascagoula River. (S) MCH&GS, V23, #3, P88.
5/15/1769 “at the old Fort”, Marie sold the land purchased a year earlier to her son Jean. Marie made her mark /x/ “Widow Baudro”. (S) MCH&GS, V23, #3, P88.
2/9/1770 Marie Huet, consort of Jean, died in Mobile, AL.
9/25/1772, Marie, “Mme. Boudreau”, hosted Lt Hutchins, a British surveyor looking for the lost ship Mercury. He was not aware that it had been beached on Chandeleurs island the previous month in a hurricane that hit the coast. Mme. Bodreau was reported to be “very hospitable” to the British visitors. The British were informed that it had been the worst storm in 50 years, and that about 300 stock of various kinds were lost when the barrier islands were submerged. The French natives informed him of a small boat being recovered near Chandeleurs. The next day the Lt. searched both Ship and Cat islands and found that all of the houses had been swept away. The Lt. did recover the crew on 9/30/1722. (S) MCH&GS, V36, 2000, PP17-18.
(S) 1/1/1787 “Favrot Census” of Mobile, Bay St. Louis & Pascagoula, Mrs. Bodro, widow 81, 1 child, free mulatto Kegis, free black Fanchon.
~1779 Catherine Beaudreaux gave a gift of adjoining land to Marthe Paquet174i and her husband Jacob. (S) MCH&GS, V39, 2003, P18 – Original in the National Archives.
3/14/1780 Galvez captured Mobile.
7/3/1781, Catherine petitioned the Spanish government for ownership of Horn Island: “Mr. Governor General - Catherine Baudro, an inhabitant of Pascagoula with the greatest respect, represents to your Excellency; that when she was at Mobile you had condescended to offer to give her Horn Island; wherefore she supplicates your Excellency to grant her the said Island; a favor she expects from your well known charity. New Orleans 3 of Jul 1781. For Catherine Baudro her son signs.” /s/ John Baudro.
8/1/1781, Catherine granted ownership of Horn Island by Bernardo de Galvez. She kept cattle on the island for about five or six years with some negroes attending the stock. (S) MCH&GS, V33, #2, P57.
1/1/1786, (S) 1786 Spanish Census of Mobile – Marie. Madam “Baudro” had eight freed slaves (mixed blood), four male Negro slaves and two female Negro slaves. She showed ownership of four residences. Under cultivation she had 250 acres of corn. One child, most likely a grandchild, was living with her at the time of the census.
4/30/1791, Maria Bodro, along the Pascagoula river, 84 year old widower with one child. (S) Miro Spanish Census of MS gulf coast.
3/13/1796, Catherine made her will in Pascagoula. (S) LMVDP, Inglis. (S) MCH&GS, V33, #2, P52.
12/5/1797–5/26/1798, Catherine died at age 82 in MobCo., AL. She owned Horn Island, four residences, and had 14 slaves. Inventory of effects of Madame Baudrau included: 6 chemises, 7 blouses, 7 caps, 5 skirts, 6 pairs of stockings, a gilt ring, a silver thimble, a pair of eye glasses, 5 silver table settings, a large silver spoon, 10 pans, 7 bedsheets, 1 woolen mattress, 3 feather beds, 2 pairs of shoes, 5 chairs, 2 tables, 2 bed boards, 16 plates, 8 cups, and 8 goblets. (S) LMVDP, Inglis.
(S) JFH Claiborne: MS as a Province, Territory and State, 1880, P89.
Family notes:
• Jean was lionized by the local Indians who considered him “one of them”, especially since his mother was an Indian. According to Pickett’s “History of Alabama”, he was “a powerful man, as to strength, and almost a giant in size, and these qualities, together with his bravery and prowess endeared him to the Indians.” He was readily accepted by the French Canadians, and reviled by the French governing authorities who held bitter thoughts towards the French Canadians, even though he was an interpreter for them with the Indians. Because of his knowledge of the area and acceptance by the Indians, he was also a courier for Bienville. He soon became involved in one scrape after another... with his father there to bail him out.
• 8/5/1752: “The Superior Council of Louisiana has seen the petition presented by the wife of Baudreau saying that by the lavish¬ness and bad business contracted every day, her said husband is exposing her and her family to total ruin by having sold almost the last of her Negroes, despite the considerable merchandise that he has taken from here for the price of the said Negroes. He has contracted to sell them at New Orleans and Mobile for 1000 livres of debt. As a result, she finds herself in straits and decides to put herself at the mercy of the fairness of the Council, so that there can emerge a sepa¬ration of goods to put what goods that belong to her and her children under an umbrella of safety. She reasserts by her contract of marriage the many acquisitions made, her care and work and the help given by her mother during her husband’s civil death. She wants preservation of the goods made to her children by her deceased mother and by Mr. Laville, according to the attached papers. She offers to prove her honor by having four witnesses of faith, Messrs. …, to testify to the bad conduct of her husband and who will affirm that she has always tried to be patient, but hope for change in her husband needs force in this instance. …. She asks that he please make his report ordering a separation of goods and that, as a result, 13 horned cattle brought by contract of marriage be set aside as well as surety of 3000 livres of dowry, the house and the land it is on in the city (mortgaged), and that Baudreau be forbidden to take any more cows given to the children by her mother or by Mr. Laville; also that she be permitted to take the negresse Marie and her family at Valentin, who have been of help by their care and work and who were furnished her by her deceased mother. …. (S) Register Hearings of the Superior Council of the Provence of Louisiana. (S) MCH&GS, V23, #3, P82.
• “On October 30, 1754, 9 o’clock in the morning, before me, Jean Baptiste Raguet, Councilor …, there appeared Catherine Vinconneau, separated wife, as regards the goods of Jean Baptiste Baudreau, resident of this colony and authorized by law to pursue her rights according to the decision of the Council on November 11, 1752; who told us and stated that she would provide what is needed to the Council, in the separation of goods with the said Baudreau, her husband awaiting his waste and his debts, that the decision would take place which permitted him to make an inquiry about the facts she exposed, that after the said inquiry made, another decision had taken place on it on November 5, 1752, that would have ordered that she would live separated as regards that the goods shared with her said husband; that she would recover all her goods, real and personal that she could find which had been brought to the marriage and an inventory would be made, and give him an act of renunciation that she made to the community with her said hus-band that as it is agreed under seal and decreed the said separation by means of the said inventory or sale of personal property in case the goods are not found, she re¬quires that we please her by coming to the house and place of her said husband located at New Orleans, so as to proceed with the said inventory and put things in her hands, as be¬longing to her, and which are justified by her contract of marriage under date of 1 March 1734, and by act of division of goods of the deceased Catherine Doucin, her mother, under date of 22 April 175[2]. On this, I the judge, … order that we be taken now to the house of the said Baudreau. On the said day and year, I … was transported …, in the said house of Baudreau, found beyond this city opposite the residence of Mr. Demorand, so as to evaluate as needed the effects that will be given to the said Vinconneau and to make an inventory conformable to the desire of the deci¬sion before dated; where being in the said house, we have found the said Baudreau, whom we apprised of the contents of the said decision and summoned him to tell us of the goods and effects which his wife had brought conformable to the contracts of marriage and division dated before and all others which could be hers, expired or to come. The said Baudreau, here present, told us that in order to avoid all other proceedings and to end these differences as amiably as possible, he consents to remit everything pres¬ently and in the manner in which she brought it to him in marriage or in any other way, it not being necessary to make any estimation or evaluation, wishing to give her all that she had brought. He has remitted to the said Vinconneau 13 horned cattle which she has chosen and taken at her choice and for which she is content. Item, he also, in like manner, remitted at the time of things taken in a division made at Mobile among the said Vinconneau and her brothers and sisters coming from the said Doucin, her mother, which consists in one Indian woman of about 45 years named Babet and her daughter Elizabeth, of about nine years. Item, ….” (S) MCH&GS, V23, #3, PP83–86.
• In 1757, Jean was put to death by order of Governor Kerlerec. Some of the officers, stationed at the different posts, were great tyrants. One of them, named Duroux, was sent to command a detachment of troops of a Swiss regiment, who were stationed at Cat Island. He forced his soldiers to work his gardens and to burn coal and lime. Some of them, who refused to work for him, he caused to be arrested. These soldiers appealed to New Orleans, receiving no satisfaction from Governor Kerlerec. One day Duroux rowed to an adjacent island to go hunting. Returning in the evening, a party of the soldiers killed him. Becoming masters of the island, the soldiers set at liberty an inhabitant, named Baudreau, who had been imprisoned by Duroux for salvaging goods from a wrecked Spanish vessel. He was known for his relationships with the Indians and familiarity with the territory. The soldiers compelled him to conduct them towards Georgia. Baudreau led them around Mobile and up the Tombigbee. He was released by the fugitives, whom he compelled to give him a certificate, stating that he had been forced to act as their guide, and was not in any way involved with the killing of Duroux. Governor Kerlerec sent a sealed package to DeVille, the commandant at Mobile, authorizing his imprisonment. Even though he exhibited upon the trial his certificate, which declared his innocence of the murder, a court martial condemned him to die. As soon as Governor Kerlerec confirmed the judgment Baudreau was “led forth and broken upon a wheel”. An account of his trial and execution is told in (S) The History of Alabama by Albert Pickett, Chapter XVI “The Horrible Death of Baudrot and the Swiss Soldiers”, P304. [The torturous means by which he was executed was shown at the end of the movie “Braveheart”.] The people of Mobile were shocked at the spectacle. To quote Pickett: “Such a man was [Jean Baptiste], whom the French authorities in Mobile broke upon a wheel! His life was worth a thousand such lives as that of the tyrannical wretch whom he was accused of having killed.” It is said Kerlerec, fearing an uprising of both the colonists and the Indians, had Jean Baptiste’s body parts thrown into the river so there would be no grave to visit.
• 1799, Genevieve, d/o Catherine, lived with her aunt, Marie Catherine Mazurier. Having no children of her own, Marie Catherine generously left her estate to her niece as follows: “I declare myself the widow of Monsieur Mazurier by whom I have no children, nor heirs to my property, but I have had with me from her early childhood my niece, Genevieve, legitimate daughter of Joseph Bosarge and Louisa Bodreau, my sister, whom with me much love and affection I have raised, and being now arrived at year of maturity, waits upon me, and assists me in my sickness and infirmities, with so much care that she is even dearer than if she were my own daughter, and in gratitude to her for her affectionate kindness, I have constituted her, and do make her, the sole heir to all my property, goods, movable and unmovable, so that no law nor any person, nor relation of mine shall disturb, or oppose in this inheritance, since it is my will of God, and with mine, without being obliged to make an inventory therefore or submit to any other formality, but to collect and to enjoy all and everything that belonged to me, and I subject her to no other obligation but to satisfy all my just debts, hereby revoking and annulling all other wills, codicils, and power to make a will for me, that I may have made by writing, or by word of mouth. In testimony whereof this is done in the town of Mobile, this fifth day of December, 1799”. /s/ Widow Mazurier.
• “Juan Baptista Boudreaux, native of this parish, son of Juan Boudreaux and of Catherine Vinsnot, married February 10, 1801, Maria Luisa LaLancette, native of this City, daughter of Juan LaLancette and of Francisca Fissot.” (S) SLC, MB2, P134.
• 6/25/1807 survey of property of Jean178ii. [See CD Misc Graphics 178 Property Survey.] The 1200 arpent property is on the west side of the Pascagoula River. Jean’s house is drawn in the map below. (S) National Archives; (S) MCH&GS, V23, #3, P91. This land is now in the city of Gautier. Most family members are believed to be buried in the Lewis’ family cemetery located near the mouth of the West Pascagoula river.
Children of Jean and Marie Vinconnau:
i. Marie Catherine Baudreau, born 1/4/1735 in New Orleans, LA.
(S) Family notes.
11/3/1736 Marie baptized. (S) Family notes.
Marie married Louis Francois Mazurier, a witness at the wedding of Catherine. Louis and Marie Catherine lived north of Mobile in the Tennsa area.
8/26/1764, they were the godparents to Euphrosine, d/o Joseph88. (S) No. 88 Family notes.
1782, Louis died.
1/1/1786, (S) 1786 Spanish Census of Mobile. Widow Mazurier, age 57, 2 slaves, 1 house, 1 child.
6/19/1798, siblings Catherine, Jean, & Louise distribute their inherited estate. (S) LMVDP, Inglis.
12/5/1799, Marie wrote her will.
~1800, Marie died in MobCo., AL. She died childless and left her estate to her neice Genevieve89iii. (S) Family notes. (S) CIC, S5, Burials, 1780–1803, P83, A214.
ii. Jean Baptiste Baudreau III, born 9/14/1736 in New Orleans, LA.
11/3/1736 Jean baptized. (S) Family notes.
1764, (S) 1764 AL Census, MobiCo. “John Baptist Basdrau”
10/12/1767, Jean and Marie Fayard were godparents to his nephew Jean Baptiste Bozage44. (S) No. 88 Family Notes. In 1767 both his namesakes, father and grandfather, were deceased.
3/25/1768, Jean witnessed his mother Marie’s land purchase. (S) MCH&GS, V23, #3, P88.
5/15/1769 Jean bought the land at the mouth of the Pascagoula river that his mother had purchased. (S) MCH&GS, V23, #3, P88.
7/3/1781, Jean signed a letter for his mother requesting she be granted ownership of Horn Island.
1783, Jean was the godfather to Jean Pierre Baptiste, son of his half-brother Pierre178vi.
1786, Jean owned 1,000 arpents of land on the Pascagoula River. (S) Cyril Cain, VI, P178.
6/19/1798, siblings Catherine, Jean, & Louise distribute their inherited estate. (S) LMVDP, Inglis. Jean continued to live on the land of his mother, an active sailor between the Pascagoula river area and New Orleans.
2/10/1801 Jean formally married Marie Louisa Fayard dit LaLancette492iii. (S) Family notes.
5/12/1804, Martha Paquet174i and her son Peter appeared before the Syndic of Pascagoula to sell 10 arpents “front” on the Bayou Rieu for $225. The land was next to that of John Baptiste Boudereaux who also appeared to testify that the land was gifted by his mother. (S) MCH&GS, V39, 2003, P18 – Original in the National Archives.
9/9/1805, Jean delivers 3 American deserters from New Orleans, captured in Pascagoula, to Pensacola. He returned to Pascagoula with a 4 pound cannon, 25 shots and a box of 1000 musket cartridges. (S) MCH&GS, V37, 2001, P17.
9/30/1806, Privateers attempted to capture Jean’s boat in the Pascagoula river. They were driven off by cannon shot (the cannon Jean had delivered) from the Spanish fort. (S) MCH&GS, V37, 2001, P21.
1807, Jean mentioned in Pellerin’s report to Pensacola. (S) MCH&GS, V37, 2001, P22.
6/25/1807 Jean’s land was surveyed as having 1200 arpents of land. (S) Family notes.
5/23/1810 Pellerin requested Governor Folch to pay Jean 10 pesos a month rent he stayed in a house on Jean’s property. (S) MCH&GS, V37, 2001, P24.
11/1810, Jean’s schooner was commandeered by a group declaraing themselves independent of Spain. (S) MCH&GS, V37, 2001, P25.
5/15/1812 Jean died. His personal estate had 5 Negro slaves, 267 head of cattle, 1 mare, 2 colts, and $200.
1814 Marie Louise died. Her son Jean was the estate executor, contested by Marguerite’s husband Lewis. (S) Lewis vs Baudreau, Superior court, 3rd Distr., Perry Co., MS, File Drawer 65, MDAH, Jackson, MS.
Genevieve Baudreau, born ~1761.
~1777 in New Orleans, LA she married Charles LeBlanc, born ~1760.
Bef. 1812 she died. (S) Not an heir to her father’s estate.
Jean Baptiste Baudreau Sr, born 1768 in Pascagoula, MS. (S) Creole Mobile, P4.
He married Louise Sauset, born bef. 1775. (S) Creole Mobile, P48.
12/20/1820, (S) 1820 Census, MS, JaxCo. He has 5 slaves.
(S) 1836 Tax Roll, JaxCo., MS. [Sr. & Jr.]
12/28/1852 he died. (S) JaxCo. Cem. Records, unpublished, JaxCo. Archives, Pascagoula, MS. He is buried in the Lewis Cem., East of “Oldsfield”, Gautier, MS.
(S) Four Centuries … V2 by Cain, P150.
Marie Angelique Baudreau, born 1773 in Jackson Co, MS.
She married 1st Nicholas Ladnier II86i, who died in 1795.
(S) 1820 Census, MS, JaxCo. “Mary Baudreau”.
(S) 1836 Tax Roll, JaxCo., MS. “Angelique Beaudreau”.
1/21/1841 she married 2nd Jacob Hinkle, s/o Marie Paquet174i.
4/29/1853 she died.
(S) Four Centuries … V2 by Cain, P150.
Marguerite Baudreau, born 3/11/1785 in Pascagoula, MS.
5/5/1811 she married Edwin A Lewis, a lawyer born 1782 in VA.
10/20/1829 E A Lewis asserted Baudreau claim of the 40,000 acre Chaumont concession. A claim of 1280 acres was affirmed.
8/25/1863 she died at Lewis’ mill on Spring Hill, AL.
[Multiple descendents buried in the Lewis Cem., East of “Oldsfield”, Gautier, MS].
(S) Four Centuries … V2 by Cain, P150.
iii. Claude Baudreau, born 9/1737 in New Orleans, LA.
7/24/1747 Claude is given a cow by a family friend. (S) MCH&GS, V23, #3, P85.
10/30/1754 Claude is named in the separation agreement between his parents. (S) MCH&GS, V23, #3, P85.
Bef. 1797 Claude died. He is not listed as an heir in his mother’s estate.
iv. Louise Catherine Baudreau ( 89), born 1/13/1742.
(S) Family notes.
Children of Jean and Marie Huet:
[They mostly used “Baptiste” as their surname, although there are records where they used “Huet” – which in the eyes of the church would be their real name since Jean could not legally marry Marie.] Due to their grandfather Jean’s generosity, Julie and her brother Pierre were well educated. The script handwriting of both Pierre and Julie on numerous documents indicates they received the finest education provided in those days.
v. Julie Baptiste, born 12/1743 in Oyster Point on the East side of Bayou La Batre.
Julie was probably educated at the Ursuline boarding school in New Orleans.
12/21/1761 in Mobile Julie, “daughter of Henretti Huet, widow of Baptiste Bideau”, married Jacques Milon, s/o Joseph Milon & Marie Girardi, born 11/3/1736 in Mobile, AL. (S) Parish of Our lady, Mobile, MB-1, P44. [Marie Girardi was a daughter of Joseph Girardy who traveled to Mobile with Jean Baptist’s uncle Gabriel Baudreau dit Graveline700i. Jacques uncle Pierre Milon was a son-in-law of Joseph Simon de la Pointe.]
1764, Jacques, eldest son of Joseph and guradian of his minor brothers, settled his father’s succession in New Orleans.
10/2/1808 Jacques died in New Orleans, LA.
Joseph Milon, born 11/25/1765.
Julie Milon, born 9/18/1767.
Jacques Milon, born 10/15/1769.
1772 he died as a child.
Marcel Soulange Milon, born 1/15/1772 in New Orleans, LA.
8/2/1796 he married Rosalia Jacques Nicolas, born 7/11/1776 in New Orleans, LA.
Zenon Milon, born 2/2/1774 in New Orleans, LA.
1/22/1797 he married Marguerite Delhomme, born ~1771.
Marie Celeste Milon, born 1/22/1776 in New Orleans, LA.
4/28/1795 she married Leon Meilleur, born 6/21/1764 in New Orleans, LA.
6/5/1841 she died.
Catherine Isabel Milon, born 9/29/1777 in New Orleans, LA.
7/29/1804 she married Francisco B Alpuente, born 6/21/1783.
3/3/1850 she died in New Orleans, LA.
Joseph Jacques Milon, born 5/5/1779.
vi. Pierre Baptiste, born ~1745 in Oyster Point on the East side of Bayou La Batre.
[The patriarch of the Baptiste families on the coast. Preliminary Y-DNA testing indicates Pierre is not likely a son of Jean Baptiste Baudreau; more likely the son of Jean Baptiste Bidaut dit LaJeunesse.]
Pierre would have been educated while living at home by local priests.
Pierre took over managing the family plantation for his grandmother who was widowed in 1743. The Baptiste plantation is found along the eastern banks of the River D’erbanne and extends to Bayou Cogne d’ Inde (later known as Coden). The site of the plantation is also referred to as Oyster Point or Pierre’s Point. Much of what was the plantation of the Baptiste family is now found in the boundaries of the town of Coden, known in the 19th century as Portersville.
10/2/1764, Pierre and his mother signed allegience to the British King and remained on the plantation when many French were moving to New Orleans. Pierre signed “Pierre Huet”.
1767, Pierre witnessed the wedding of Bartholome Grelot96.
11/28/1767, Pierre’s grandmother Perinne died.
2/9/1770, upon the death of his mother, Pierre inherited the large family plantation.
1771, British Army Captain Bernard Romans surveyed the Choctaw Nation and stayed at Pierre’s house.
~1778 in MobCo., AL Pierre married Marguerite Jacob, born 1756 in Mobile, AL. Marguerite was d/o Marianne Jacob who was left half of the Bellefontaine Plantation by Charles Miot390iii.
1780, Pierre purchased a 623-acre plantation from Pierre Rochon, which was adjacent to the LeLande property of Charles Miot. The land was located between Deer River (Rio del Gamo) and Fowl River (Rio del Gallina) on the west side of Mobile Bay.
1/1/1786 Spanish Census, Pierre and wife.
1788 Census, Pierre, wife and 4 children.
10/6/1792, Pierre filed with the Spanish governor a claim as “sole heir” to the San Souci plantation of his maternal grandparents, stating that title had been lost when the British were in control of the country. [Awarded 10/22/1792.]
11/1798, An audit of merchants, Joyce & Turnbull in Mobile lists Pierre Baptiste as one of their customers who traded hides.
~1805 Pierre died in MobCo., AL.
10/1808, records indicate that the estate of Pierre Baptiste was beginning to be liquidated.
Children: (they apparently dropped the “Baudreau” for obvious reasons.)
Pierre Baptiste, born ~1779 in Belle Fontaine, AL.
1/16/1828 he married Marie Barrieller, born in pensacola, FL.
Bef. 1849 he died.
Louise Baptiste, born 8/18/1781 in Belle Fontaine, AL.
6/24/1814 she married Geovanni Chighizola, born in Genoa, Italy.
5/31/1836 she died in MobCo., AL.
Jean Pierre Baptiste, born 3/1783 in Belle Fontaine, AL.
4/19/1824 in MobCo., AL, he married Nancy Williams.
Nicolas Baptiste, born 1/10/1785 in Belle Fontaine, AL.
Bef. 1788 he died.
Bernard Baptiste, born 10/22/1787 in Belle Fontaine, AL.
3/21/1828 in MobCo., AL he married Mary Whatley.
12/23/1855 he died in MobCo., AL.
Julien Baptiste, born 5/6/1790 in Belle Fontaine, AL.
Bef. 1805 he died in MobCo., AL.
Henrietta Baptiste, born ~1794 in Bayou La Batre, AL.
She married twice.
Bef. 1850 she died in JaxCo., MS.
Jacob Pierre Baptiste, born 8/7/1795 in Bayou La Batre, AL.
1821 in JaxCo., MS he married Sarah Turner.
6/29/1877 died in MobCo., AL.