58. Oswald Potts II & 59. Rachel Cannon {Union Co. SC, … TN}
1789, Oswald born in SC, s/o 116. William Potts & 117. Elizabeth Lamb.1789, Rachel born in Union Co., NC; d/o 118. Richard Cannon.
1790, (S) 1790 Census, SC, Union Co. Oswald, m<16. See No. 116. [His future wife lives near by. Families from the same area usually traveled west by wagon train together.]
1800, (S) 1800 Census, SC, Union Co. Oswald, m:10<16. See No. 116.
8/25/1808 in Montgomery Co., TN, Oswald married Rachel. (S) Montgomery Co. Court House Records, Clarksville, TN.
They lived a while in KY. (S) Birth of son William.
4/16/1819, (S) Rutherford Co. Deeds, Pg 240, Doc No.287: … Beginning on W. Pott’s NE corner … Witnesses: Ab. Potts and Oswald Potts.
1/10/1820, (S) 1820 Census, TN, Rutherford Co., Murfreesboro. “Oswald”. 2 males not identified. 1 f<10 is Mary. The other f<10 and 10<16 are both unidentified. Note that Rachel’s older sister June Canon of the 1850 census, who is blind, appears to live with them at this time; as does the mother of either Oswald or Rachel.
10/7/1827, “Oswald Potts P”, listed as a “communicant” of the meeting house: (S) New Hope Church, Bedford Co., TN, P5. “P” was for “Preacher” – (S) Potts Family in America and Great Britian, 1901, Thomas Maxwell Potts.
4/5/1828, “Oswald Potts, Rev.”, listed as a “communicant” of the meeting house: (S) New Hope Church, Bedford Co., TN, P6.
1830, (S) 1830 Census, TN, Bedford Co. “Oswell”. June lives with them. Drusilla 5<10, Mary 10<15. This indicates that there was a sister older than Mary.
11/6/1837, Oswald listed as a buyer in the estate of Allen Perry. (S) Henry Co. Will Book D, P155.
~1838, Oswald became guardian of his grandchildren Wesley B and Marcus L Beville on the death of their father. (S) Henry Co., TN deaths from the court minutes 1836-1839, by Sandra Wanamaker.
1840, (S) 1840 Census, TN, Henry Co. “Oswell”. June lives with them. The female 15<20 is Drusilla. The 2 youngest males are probably daughter Mary’s sons.
1845, (S) Tax List, Henry Co., Dist6. “Oswell Potts”. Distr6 was between Paris and Springville. Wilson Stem, daughter Drusilla’s husband is also in this tax list.
11/27/1850, (S) 1850 Census, TN, Henry Co., Dist6. He is a farmer with land valued at $400. He has a widowed daughter with 2 children living with him. June, Rachel’s sister, lives with them.
1851–1860 Rachel died.
8/29/1860, (S) 1860 Census, TN, Madison Co., Dist13, Cotton Grove. “Osburn” is living with his son E T Potts, and is a clergyman.
6/18/1870, (S) 1870 Census, TN, Madison Co., Jackson. Oswald is still living with his son Ellison.
Bef. 4/3/1871, Oswald apparently died. [He is likely buried somewhere near Potts Chapel rd. His son E.T. donated the family land to Potts Chapel.]
(S) Bedford Co. Historical Quarterly, Vol. XX, No.2, Summer 1994.
Children of Oswald and Rachel:
i. William Beaty Potts, born 2/22/1814 in KY.
No 58:(S) 1820 Census, TN, Rutherford Co., Murfreesboro. m<10.
No 58:(S) 1830 Census, TN, Bedford Co. m:15<20.
12/18/1834 in Macoupin Co., IL, William married Rhoda Ann Richards, born 10/24/1820 in TN, d/o Edmund Richards & Sarah Warren.
10/8/1850, (S) 1850 Census, IL, Macoupin Co. Wm is a farmer with real estate valued at $2200. The 1st 7 children live with them.
[Not found in 1860 Census.]
William died.
6/15/1870, (S) 1870 Census, IL, Montgomery Co., Zanesville. Rhoda is a widow with only daughter Mary living at home. Her real estate is valued at $1600, and her personal estate $100. She has a hired farm laborer living with her. Son Frances lives next door.
(S) 1880 Census, IL, Montgomery Co., Zanesville. Rhoda is a widow living with her son Edmund and his family.
7/2/1882, Rhoda died in Montgomery Co., IL.
Richard A Potts, born 1836 in IL.
He married Mary ?, born 1841 in IL.
(S) 1860 Census, IL, Montgomery Co. No children – he lives next to his brother Edmund.
Edmund A Potts, born 1838 in IL.
~1858, he married Agnes ?, born 1840 in IL.
(S) 1880 Census, IL, Montgomery Co., Zanesville. They have 6 Children.
Sarah A Potts, born 1839 in IL.
9/29/1859, She married robert Franklin Nash.
3/3/1864, she died in Montgomery Co., IL.
Joseph W Potts, born 1842 in IL.
~1865, he married Mary J ?, born 1844 in IL.
(S) 1880 Census, IL, Montgomery Co., Raymond. Fraternal twins at home.
Samuel J Potts, born 3/1845 in IL.
1895, he married Nancy J ?, born 7/1867 in IL.
(S) 1900 Census, IL, Montgomery Co., Zanesville. They have 1 child.
Frances M Potts, born 1847 in IL.
1869, he married Mary E ?, born 1851 in KY.
(S) 1880 Census, MO, Bates Co., Spruce. They have 1 son.
(S) 1910 Census, OR, Linn Co., Albany. The same son lives with them.
Amanda C Potts, born 9/1850 in IL.
Mary Potts, born 1852 in IL.
ii. Mary Potts, born 1816 in TN.
1830, (S) See No.58. f:10<15.
~1835, Mary married Martin Beville. (S) Henry Co., TN, Court Minutes 1836-1839, by Wanamaker.
1836–1839, Martin died. [Lewis Beville executor.]
1840, (S) See No.58. f:20<30. Mary and her sons live with her parents.
1850, (S) See No.58. Mary “Bevil” is living with her parents. Her 2 sons live with her.
8/30/1860, (S) 1860 Census, TN, Madison Co., Dist14, Cotton Grove. She lives with her son Wesley and his family. Her son Marcus also lives with them. The live next to her brother John C Potts.
Wesley B Bevil, born 1835 in TN.
1859, he married Susan ?.
(S) 1860 Census, TN, Madison Co., Dist14, Cotton Grove. Married with a daughter. His mother and brother live with him.
Marcus L Bevil, born 1837 in TN.
1861, he married Emily ?, born 1840 in TN.
4/3/1872, Marcus is a trustee of Potts Chapel church near Cotton Grove, TN.
(S) 1910 Census, TN, Madison Co., Jackson. They have had 7 children, 4 living.
iii. Druscilla Potts ( 29), born 9/20/1820 in Murfreesboro, Rutherford Co., TN.
iv. Ellison T Potts, born 1826 in TN.
(S) No.58 1860 Census.
1830, (S) See No.58. m:<5.
1840, (S) See No.58. m:10<15.
1/20/1846, Ellison 1st married Isabella C Hill, born 1826 in TN; d/o Wm Hill & Mary Phillips.
10/30/1850, (S) 1850 Census, TN, Henry Co., Dist17. Ellison is a farmer with land valued at $150.
~1851, Isbella died.
9/20/1857, Ellison 2nd married Judy F Roberts. (S) Early West TN Marriages, V1, by Sistler.
8/29/1860, See No:58. In Madison Co., Cotton Grove, E T is a miller with land valued at $3000 and a personal estate of $1400. His father lives with him.
6/18/1870, See No:58. In Madison Co., Jackson, E T is a farmer with land valued at $2000 and a personal estate of $400. He lives next to his married daughter Helen. His father lives with him.
4/3/1871, E. T. Potts for love for “cause of Christ and from an earnest desire to promote his heritage on earth” conveyed to James H. Price, John C. Potts, M. L. Bevil, James Pennington, George T. Smith, trustees of Potts Chapel, one acre in Civil District 13, Madison County for religious purposes. April 3, 1871. Reg. May 13, 1871. Witnesses: John H. Price, John C. Potts, M. L. Bevil. (S) Madison Co. DB–29, PP35-6.
They moved to Crocket Co.
1872, E T is listed on the Tax Rolls of Crocket Co.
6/7/1880, (S) 1880 Census, TN, Crocket Co., Bells Depot. E T is a farmer. They live about 12 miles WNW of Jackson, TN.
Children Isabella:
Helen P Potts, born 1847 in TN. (S) 1850, 1860 Census.
12/16/1868 in Madison Co., she married James H Price.
(S) 1870 Census, TN, Madison Co. They have 1 daughter. They live next to her father.
Children Julia:
L. Fayette Potts, born 1863 in TN. (S) 1870, 1880 Census.
12/2/1883 in Crockett Co., “L F Potts” married V L Burk.
v. John Cannon Potts, born 7/9/1830 in TN.
1840, (S) See No.58. m:10<15.
11/27/1850, (S) See No.58. John is a single farmer living with his parents.
12/24/1850 in Henry Co., John married Sarah Angeline Wright, born 9/17/1836 in TN. (S) Early West TN Marriages, V1, by Sistler. (S) Gravestone.
8/30/1860, (S) 1860 Census, TN, Madison Co., Dist14, Cotton Grove. Jno is a farmer, married to Sarah, with land valued at $2000 and a personal estate of $500.
3/4/1863, Sarah died; buried in the Potts Chapel Cem., Madison Co.
John married 2nd Esther Louisa ?, born 1835. (S) Gravestone.
6/20/1870, (S) 1870 Census, TN, Madison Co., Dist14, Jackson. “C” is a farmer, married to Ester, with land valued at $2500 and a personal estate of $500. Son William is unmarried and a farmhand.
4/3/1871, John is a trustee of Potts Chapel.
1877, “J C Potts”, “W W Potts”, and the “Potts Mill” appear on the “Beers and Lanagan” map of Madison Co.
1880, (S) 1880 Census, TN, Madison Co., Dist14. His married son William lives next door.
1891, “J C Potts” registered male voter in Distr14 of Madison Co.
1891, Esther died; buried in the Potts Chapel Cem., Madison Co.
1/13/1896, John died; buried with Sarah & Esther in the Potts Chapel Cem., Madison Co.
William W Potts, born 1852 in TN. (S) 1860, 1870 Census.
1879, he married Mattie W. ?, born 1859 in TN.
1891, “W W Potts” registered male voter in Distr14 of Madison Co.
(S) 1910 Census, Madison Co., Jackson. Mattie has had 4 children; 3 sons at home.
6/20/1942, Mattie provided certification of birth of Elizabeth Stemm7, gd/o Druscilla29.
Sarah Potts, born 1857 in TN. (S) 1860, 1870 Census.
Mosella Potts, born 1859 in TN. (S) 1860, 1870 Census.