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Thursday, November 26, 2009

William Bell Sr & Margaret Montgomery

32. William Bell Sr & 33. Margaret Montgomery {Fairfield Co. SC}

1754, William born in Enniskillen, Fermanagh, Ireland, s/o 64. William Bell I.
1755, Margaret born in Co. Atrium, Ireland, d/o 66. John Montgomery.
1767, William arrived with his father in Charles Town, SC. (S) From the Journals of the Council of the Colony of SC. Names and land allotments under the Bounty Act of 1761.
10/1772, Margaret and her family departed from Larne, Ireland on the ship Lord Dunluce for SC.
12/20/1772, Margaret and her family arrived in Charles Town, SC. (S) See No.66.
1/6/1773, Margaret granted 100 acres identified in Plat Folder 1369, in Granville Co. on the waters of Calhoun Creek, bordered by James Petigrew …; vacant land; cert. 6/3/1773. (S) No.66 Family Notes, No.3, P88. This indicates she was single and over 15 when she arrived. This land is located in what is now Abbeville Co.
1773, in SC William married Margaret. (S) U.S. and Int. Marriage Records, 1560-1900.
1/10/1798 Margaret died, buried in Old Brick Presbyterian (ARP) Church, Fairfield, SC near William. “Aged 43 years”.
William 2nd married Ann [?Montgomery], born 1754.
(S) 1800 Census, SC, Fairflield Dist.
(S) 1810 Census, SC, Fairflield Dist.: 20010,10010. He is listed next to his son Robert.
1820, William appears to live with his son William Jr. (S) 1820 Census.
5/14/1824 William wrote and signed his will.
9/3/1825 William died; buried in the Old Brick Presbyterian (ARP) Church, Fairfield, SC.
9/20/1825 William’s will proved by John R Buchanan.
1/19/1832, William’s estate, with executors of Charles Bell and Hugh Montgomery, audited in SC.
11/16/1832 “Ann” died and is buried with William.
(S) History of Fairfield County South Carolina, McMaster, 1946.
Family notes:
·         Will of William Bell Senior State of South Carolina: “IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I William Bell of Fairfield District being of Sound and desposing mind and memory Do Make and ordain this my last Will and testament in manner and form following That is to say First I recomend my Soul to God and my body to the dust to be buried in a decent christian manner  Item I give and bequeath to my Son William Bell the Sum of three hundred Dollars, and my Bible or a new one at his choice  Item I give and bequeath to my grand children, William Bell, Margaret Watt, Nancy Bell, James Bell and Sarah Bell, (Children of my son James Bell deceased) and Margaret Hawthorn, Isabella Hawthorn, Mary Hawthorn and Nancy Hawthorn (children of John Hawthorn) each the sum of fifty Dollars, and for the payment of the above Legacies to my said son William Bell and to my grand Children above named, I authorize and direct my executors herin after named to sell and dispose of either at public or private Sale on such terms as they may think most beneficial, my tract of Land containing two hundred and fifty acres situate in Fairfield district on the waters of Owens Creek bounded by Lands of Estate of James Davis, James Moety deceased, William Hodge, Adam Bell and Lands of Estate of John Pearson and the proceeds of said Sale of the said tract of Land to be applied by executors to the payment of my said Legacies to my said son William Bell and my said Grand Children and if the said tract of Land shall not sell for so much money as will satisfy and pay the Legacies herein before given to my Son William Bell and to my grand Children then I will direct the deficiency to be made up out of the proceeds arising from the sales of the rest and residue of my personal Estate as herin after directed. Item I give and devise to my sons Adam Bell and Robert Bell the plantation whereon I now reside to be equally divided between them to my said Sons Adam Bell and Robert Bell and their heirs forever,  Item I give and bequeath to my son Adam Bell a negroe Girl named Winney and a Bed and furniture  Item I give and bequeath to my son Robert Bell a mulato Girl named Sukey and a Bed and furniture – Item I give and bequeath to my son John Bell a negroe man named Jack and my Saddle,  Item all the rest of my negroe slaves I give and bequeath to my children Margaret McGill, Charles Bell, Thomas Bell, Hugh Bell, Betsy McKell and Isabella Montgomery to be equally divided between my Said named Children share and share Alike, provided and it is my Will that my Executors hereing after Named Shall hold the share of my Daughter Margaret McGill in the said rest of my negroe slaves above given in trust for the sole use benefit and behoof of my said Daughter Margaret McGill during her life and from and after her decease in trust for the Children of said Margaret McGill,  Item I give to my son Charles Bell my Browns Dictionary – Item all the rest and residue of my personal Estate not herein before given and bequeathed I will and direct to be sold by my Executors on a credit at their discretion and the proceeds arising from such sale of such rest and residue of my personal Estate after the payment of my Just Debts, funeral Expences and Legacies I give and bequeath to my children Adam Bell, Robert Bell, John Bell, Margaret McGill, Charles Bell, Thomas Bell, Hugh Bell, Betsy McKell and Isabella Montgomery to be divided equally Share and Share alike – Lastly I do hereby constitute and Appoint my son Charles Bell and my son in Law Hugh Montgomery Executors of this my last Will and testament hereby revoking all Wills by me heretofore made and declaring this to be my last Will and testament  Item It is further my will that if The tract of Land herein directed to be sold by my executors for the payment of the Legacies herein before given to my Son William Bell and certain of my grand children, Shall Sell for more money than will pay and Satisfy the said Legacies then and in that case I give and bequeath the surplus arising from the Sale of said tract of land (after the payment of the Said Legacies) to my Children Adam Bell, Robert Bell, John Bell, Margaret McGill, Charles Bell, Thomas Bell, Hugh Bell, Betsy McKell and Isabella Montgomery to be equally divided between them. In witness Whereof I have here unto set my hand and seal the fourteenth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and twenty four.” Signed and Sealed in the presence of us and Witnessed by us in the presence of the testator R’ Milling, L Trapp, William Hamilton. /s/ William B Bell Senr. Assignment. (S) SCDA&H, Fairfield Co., V2, B-10, PP5-7.
·         1810 & 1820 Census’ for Fairfield, SC have no William Bell old enough to be this William. He and Ann probably live with one of his children or a member of her family.
Children of William and Margaret:
i. William M Bell Jr, born 1775 in SC.
William married his 1st cousin, Sarah Montgomery, d/o Charles66iii.
1800, See No32:(S) 1820 Census, Fairfield Dist., SC.
(S) 1810 Census, SC, Fairflield Dist., “William Bell Junior”: 11010,21010.
10/30/1813 Sarah died in Fairfield Dist., SC; buried in the Old Brick Church Cem.
(S) 1820 Census, SC, Fairflield Dist., “William Bell Junr”: 010011,01200.
5/14/1824 William left a Bible and $300 in his father’s will.
(S) 1829 SC Census, Fairfield Co. Wm Bell has 10 persons in his household.
3/30/1830, William M Bell received money, with interest, from his father’s estate.
2/3/1831, Wm Bell received money, with interest, from his father’s estate.
(S) 1830 Census SC, Fairflield Dist., “William Bell”. His brother Robert lives next to him. William’s son William is also nearby. William had several children [probably grandchildren] living with him; although they could be his by a later marriage, and might include the last 2 daughters whose birth dates are unknown.
1/26/1835, William Bell Jr. cited in the final accounting of his father’s will filed by Charles Bell, esq.
 (S) 1840 Census SC, Fairflield Dist., “Bell Wm Sr”. He is listed next to his son William. Again there are many children listed with the family. [This could be his son, but the dates are off either way.]
7/2/1845 William died in Fairfield Dist., SC; buried in the Old Brick Church Cem. “Departed this life at his residence near Monticello, Fairfield District, on the 2d of July, William Bell, senr., in the 70th year of his age. He has left a wife and nine children.” (S) ARP Death & Marriage Notices, 1843-1863.
Charles Bell, born ~1800 in SC.
He died as a child.
Nancy Bell, born ~1802 in SC. (S) 1810 Census.
She married James S Smith.
(S) 1850 Census, MS, OktCo. James is a Gin-maker. They live next to her brother William; 5 children all born in SC.
William Bell III, born 1803 in SC.
Aka “Dad Billy Bell”.
(S) 1829 SC Census, Fairfield Co. Wm Bell has 2 persons in his household.
1833 in SC he 1st married Margaret H Milling; 9/13/1856 she died in OktCo., MS.
Bef. 1836 they moved to OktCo., MS. (S) 1850 Census, births of children.
(S) 1850 Census, MS, OktCo. William a farmer with 6 children.
He 2nd married Leonora Doney, born ~1832 in GA.
Jane Bell, born ? in SC.
She never married.
1839 she died in SC.
Margaret Bell, born ? in SC.
She married William Gray.
ii. James Bell, born 9/23/1778 in SC.
James married his 1st cousin, Jane Montgomery, d/o Charles66iii.
(S) 1800 Census, SC, Fairfield Dist. James born 1775–1785; Jane born 1775–1785; 1 unknown daughter.
10/11/1809, James, age 32, died; buried in the Old Brick Church Cem., Fairfield Co., SC.
2/17/1829, James’ “legacy” received money from his father’s estate.
[5/14/1824 each child left $50 in the will of their grandfather William.]
William M Bell, born 4/10/1803 in Fairfield Dist., SC.
Aka “Brazier Billy Bell” to distinguish him from his 1st cousin William III.
1/1/1829 in SC he married Celia Martin [a widow], born in SC; 1812–1863.
By 1839 they had moved to MS.
(S) 1860 Census, MS, OktCo. They have 4 children at home, all born in MS.
2/24/1877 he died in OktCo., MS; buried in the ARP Church Cem., Starkville.
Nancy Ann Bell, born 3/14/1805 in SC.
She married Dr Roderick Taliaferro, 1801–1772.
3/9/1829, For his wife, formerly Nancy Bell, R.M. Taliaferro received money from her father’s estate.
2/19/1885 she died; buried in Friendship Cem., Columbus, MS, Lot 62.
Margaret Bell, born 2/14/1806 in SC.
She married James Watt, born 1796 in SC.
(S) 1829 SC Census, Fairfield Co. James Watt has 5 persons in his household.
3/9/1829, For his wife, formerly Margaret Bell, James Watt received money from her father’s estate.
 (S) 1850 Census, SC, Fairfield; 3 children, James is a planter.
4/8/1861, Margaret died in SC; buried in the Old Brick Church Cem.
James M Bell, born 5/14/1807 in SC.
~1826 in SC he 1st married Mary Glenn, born 10/14/1809 in SC; died 10/20/1842 in MS.
1836, they were in GA. (S) Birth of daughter Mary.
He 2nd married Martha Elizabeth Puller, born 1821 in Caroline Co., VA.
(S) 1850 Census, MS, OktCo; 8 children, James is a merchant.
8/29/1867 he died in Gonzales, TX while visiting a daughter.
Sarah “Salie” Bell, born 12/4/1809 in SC.
12/15/1825 she married Samuel G McCreight, born 8/6/1800 in SC, died 10/1/1841.
8/19/1831, Saml G. McCreight paid money for his wife, formerly Sarah Bell, with interest, from her father’s estate.
1835, they were in GA. (S) Birth of daughter Rebecca.
(S) 1850 Census, MS, OktCo; widow, 3 children.
8/14/1870 she died in Starkville, MS; both buried in ARP Cem., Starkville.
iii. Margaret Bell, born 1780 in SC. (S) Will of her father.
Margaret married Andrew McGill. (S) Will of her father.
5/14/1824, Margaret left a part of a group of slaves in her father’s will.
(S) 1829 SC Census, Fairfield Co. Andrew McGill has 10 persons in his household.
1/19/1832, Margaret McGill dispersed “164.33:6” (pounds?) from her father’s estate. (S) Original Document.
1/26/1835, Margaret McGill cited in the final accounting of her father’s will filed by Charles Bell, esq.
Margaret married 2nd James Watt, brother of Hugh’s wife Martha Watt.
iv. John Bell, born 7/28/1781 in SC. (S) Will of his father.
4/1/1802, John married Elizabeth Hawthorn, born 5/6/1782 in SC.
5/14/1824 John left a slave and a saddle in his father’s will.
1/19/1832, John dispersed “164.33:6” (pounds?) from his father’s estate. (S) Original Document.
1/26/1835, John Bell cited in the final accounting of his father’s will filed by Charles Bell, esq.
(S) 1840 Census, SC, Fairfield. John 50–60 years old; 1 grandchild living with him.
1/4/1849, John died in Fairfield, SC.
Margaret Montgomery Bell, born 9/14/1807 in SC.
She married Enoch Bolin.
1/12/1832 she died.
James Montgomery Bell, born 5/5/1810 in SC.
He married Mary Bigham.
12/29/1871, he died in Hopewell, Cheshire, England.
John Bell, born 2/18/1814 in SC.
10/2/1835 he died.
William Joseph Bell, born 8/25/1816 in SC.
8/27/1837 he died.
v. Charles Bell, born 10/20/1785 in SC. [twin]
8/27/1807, Charles married his 1st cousin, Margaret Montgomery, d/o Charles (66iii).
11/1/1820 Margaret died in SC; buried in the Old Brick Church Cem.
9/5/1822, Charles married Jane Martin, 1800–1862.
5/14/1824 Charles named an executor and left a part of a group of slaves, and a dictionary in his father’s will.
11/3/1825, Charles, as an executor, participated in the sale of part of his father’s estate. (S) Original Document.
1/19/1832, Charles named as an executor of his father’s estate during an audit. Charles dispersed “164.33:6” (pounds?) from his father’s estate. (S) Original Document.
1/26/1835, Charles Bell cited in the final accounting of his father’s will filed by Charles Bell, esq.
11/27/1844, Charles died in Fairfield Distr., SC. “Departed this life on Wednesday morning the 27th November at his residence on Little River, Fairfield District, Charles Bell, Esq., in the 61st year of his age. Mr. Bell had been from early life a member of the church, and for many years an elder.” (S) ARP Death & Marriage Notices, 1843-1863.
Children of Margaret:
James Bell, born 9/23/1808 in Fairfield Co., SC.
He married his cousin Rebecca Bell, d/o William Bell & Rebecca Kinkaid.
12/20/1845, he died in Starkville, MS; buried in ARP Cem.
William C Bell, born 9/3/1810 in SC.
He married ? Young.
6/9/1845, he died in Starkville, MS; buried in ARP Cem. “Departed this life in Oktibbeha County, Miss., on Monday night, the 9th of June, William C. Bell (formerly of Fairfield, S. C.) aged about thirty five, [survived by] wife and three children.”
Charles Bell, born 1812 in SC.
9/10/1825 he died at 13; buried in the Old Brick Church Cem.
Mary Ann Bell, born 5/13/1815 in SC.
She married Rev. James Boyce.
12/5/1847 she died in SC. “Departed this life on Little River, Fairfield District on the morning of Sabbath, the 5th of December last, Mrs. Mary Ann Boyce, the wife of the Rev. James Boyce, in her thirty third year, leaving many relatives, a husband, and four children, the youngest of whom commenced its earthly pilgrimage but three hours previous [to its mother's death].”
David Bell, born 1/4/1818 in SC.
He married Jane Watt, born 8/20/1828, died 3/19/1904.
(S) 1850 Census, MS, OktCo; 2 children, David is a farmer.
11/15/1862, he died in Starkville, MS; buried in ARP Cem.
Nancy Bell, born 2/4/1820 in SC.
12/31/1839, she married James B Watt.
(S) 1850 Census, NC, Mecklenburg, Steel Creek. James is an ARC Clergyman; 4 children.
4/10/1854, she died in Mecklenburg Co., NC.
vi. Thomas Bell, born 10/20/1785 in SC. [twin]
5/14/1824 Thomas left a part of a group of slaves in his father’s will.
10/15/1815, Thomas married Martha Mclure Martin, born 2/11/1789.
(S) 1829 SC Census, Fairfield Co. Thomas Bell has 8 persons in his household.
1/19/1832, Thomas dispersed “164.33:6” (pounds?) from his father’s estate. (S) Original Document.
1/26/1835, Thomas Bell cited in the final accounting of his father’s will filed by Charles Bell, esq.
3/15/1850, Thomas died; buried in the Old Brick Church Cem., Fairfield Co., SC. “Departed this life at his residence in Little River, Fairfield District, S. C. on the 15th March, 1850, Thomas Bell, aged sixty four years and some months. A widow, a son and three daughters [survive].” (S) ARP Death & Marriage Notices, 1843-1863.
(S) 1850 Census, SC, Fairfield. Martha is a widow; 2 daughters live with her.
9/10/1854, Martha died, buried in the Old Brick Church Cem.
Nancy L Bell, born 1825 in Fairfield, SC.
Martha L Bell, born 1828 in Fairfield, SC.
vii. Hugh Bell (16), born 4/2/1789 in Fairfield Dist., SC.
viii. Elizabeth “Betsy” Bell, born 1790 in SC. (S) Will of her father.
Betsy married William McKell. (S) Will of her father.
(S) 1820 Census, SC, Fairfield. They have 2 young sons; they live near her brother William and multiple related Montgomery families.
7/13/1821, William died, age 37, a native of the County of Armaugh, Ireland, buried in the Old Brick Cem., Fairfield Co., SC.
5/14/1824 Betsy left a part of a group of slaves in her father’s will.
1/19/1832, Betsy McKell dispersed “164.33:6” (pounds?) from her father’s estate. (S) Original Document.
1/26/1835, Elizabeth McKell cited in the final accounting of her father will filed by Charles Bell, esq.
1840, Elizabeth is a founding member of the Seceder Presbyterian [ARP] Church in Starkville.
(S) 1840 Census, MS, OktCo. Widow Elizabeth has one son, a grandson, and 3 grown females living with her.
6/2/1842, Betsy died in Starkville, MS; buried in the ARP Cem.
David McKell, born 7/17/1813 in SC.
David married Elizabeth Jean Nason, d/o Margaret Montgomery34vii.
By 1842 they were in MS.
(S) 1850 Census, MS, OktCo., Starkville. 5 children, all born in MS.
6/25/1855 he died in Starkville, MS.
James McKell, born 1815 in SC.
James married Jane M Harris, born 1817 in SC.
By 1840 they were in MS.
(S) 1850 Census, MS, OktCo., Starkville. 4 children, all born in MS. James is a farmer.
8/25/1857, she died; buried with James. “She has left a disconsolate husband and seven children (six of them under ten years of age).”
8/29/1867, he died; buried in ARP Cem., Starkville.
ix. Adam Bell, born 1791 in SC. (S) Will of his father.
5/14/1824 Adam left half of the plantation and a slave in his father’s will; and identified as already being a land owner.
8/2/1827, Adam received money from his father’s estate.
(S) 1829 SC Census, Fairfield Co. Adam Bell has 1 person in his household.
1/19/1832, Adam dispersed “164.33:6” (pounds?) from his father’s estate. (S) Original Document.
1/26/1835, Adam Bell cited in the final accounting of his father’s will filed by Charles Bell, esq.
1835, Adam died; buried in Fairfield Co., SC.
x. Robert Bell, born 6/29/1795 in SC. (S) Will of his father.
(S) 1810 Census, SC, Fairflield Dist.: 00110,10010. Apparently a sister is living with him. He is listed next to his father William.
Robert married Nancy Y ?, born 1808.
5/14/1824 Robert left half of the plantation and a slave in his father’s will.
(S) 1829 SC Census, Fairfield Co. Robert Bell has 6 persons in his household.
3/3/1831, Robert Bell’s proven account (of his father’s estate.)
1/19/1832, Robert dispersed “164.33:6” (pounds?) from his father’s estate. (S) Original Document.
1/26/1835, Robert Bell cited in the final accounting of his father’s will filed by Charles Bell, esq.
(S) 1840 Census, MS, OktCo. Robert has 1 son and 3 daughters.
1840, Robert is a founding member of the Seceder Presbyterian [ARP] Church in Starkville. (S) Hist. Sketches of Oktibbeha Co. by Carroll, 1930.
(S) 1841 MS Census, OktCo.
(S) 1845 MS Census, OktCo.
2/3/1846, Nancy died; buried with Robert. “An infant deposited by her side” – she probably died in childbirth.
8/30/1847, Catherine Atkins Nason [Widow, d/o Margaret34vii], consort of Robert Bell, died; buried next to Robert in ARP Cem.
7/19/1848, Robert died in Starkville, MS; buried in ARP Cem. “Departed this life in the 19th of July, 1848 at his residence near Starkville, Miss., Mr. Robert Bell, in the 54th year of his age. He has left six orphan children to lament his departure. His first and second wife, and oldest daughter having preceded him to the tomb.” (S) ARP Death & Marriage Notices – Christian Magazine of the South.
Jane Y Bell, born 8/15/1831 in OktCo., MS.
9/2/1846 she died in Starkville, MS. buried in ARP Cem.
John M Bell, born 4/23/1835 in OktCo., MS.
He married Mary Ann McDowell.
12/8/1854 he died in Starkville, MS. [He was killed when he fell from his horse on his way to visit his sister Mary.]
Nancy Elizabeth Bell, born 3/10/1839 in OktCo., MS.
12/1/1850, she died in Starkville, MS; buried in ARP Cem. (S) ARP Death & Marriage Notices, 1843-1863.
Mary Anna Bell, born 6/7/1845 in OktCo., MS.
She married David Porteous.
9/23/1863 she died in Starkville, MS; buried in ARP Cem.
xi. Isabella Bell, born 3/16/1797 in SC.
Family notes: Isabela was described as “being fair with light hair and blue eyes”.
~1818, Isabella married her 1st cousin, Hugh Montgomery, s/o Charles (s/o No.66). (S) Will of her father.
5/14/1824 Isabella left a part of a group of slaves in her father’s will. Her husband Hugh was named an executor in the will.
(S) 1829 SC Census, Fairfield Co. Hugh Montgomery has 4 persons in his household.
1/19/1832, Isabella Montgomery dispersed “164.33:6” (pounds?) from her father’s estate. (S) Original Document.
1/26/1835, Isabella Montgomery cited in the final accounting of her father’s will filed by Charles Bell, esq.
Hugh mentioned as an early settler of Starkville, MS. (S) 1/6/1929 Commerical Appeal Newspaper Article.
(S) 1841 MS Census, OktCo.
(S) 1845 MS Census, OktCo.
9/2/1849 Hugh died in Starkville, MS; buried in the [Old Seceder] ARP Cem.
11/1/1850, (S) 1850 Census, MS, OktCo. Isabella owns real estate valued at $5000. Sons William and Robert live with her, as does 5 “Bell” children; 2 are the youngest of her brother Robert; the next oldest 3 girls may also be his.
7/23/1860, (S) 1860 Census, MS, OktCo., Starkville. Isabella has real estate valued at $5000 and a personal estate of $21,500. 3 “Bell” children still live with her, as does Elizabeth Bardwell, her granddaughter, born 1844.
6/7/1870, (S) 1870 Census, MS, OktCo., Starkville. Isabella is living with her son C R Montgomery and his family. Isabella has real estate valued at $2500 and a personal estate of $500.
6/8/1880, (S) 1880 Census, MS, OktCo., Starkville. “Ibby” lives by herself, but not far from her son Charles.
5/5/1891 Isabella died in Starkville, MS; buried in the ARP Cem. with Hugh.
Charles Montgomery, born 12/3/1818.
9/27/1822 he died.
Nancy Elizabeth Montgomery, born 1/2/1824.
She was educated at one of the best schools for girls known at that time.
11/5/1840 in Starkville, MS, she married Dr Brainard Bradwell.
5/7/1844, she died in Starkville, MS; buried in ARP Cem.
Margaret Jane Montgomery, born 11/8/1825.
12/18/1842 she died; buried in ARP Cem., Starkville, MS.
Col. William Bell Montgomery, born 8/21/1830 in Fairfield Dist., SC.
Educated in TN, SC, and the Univ. of MS.
1850, he graduated from Princeton University.
1852 he 1st married Julia Gillespie, born 4/22/1830, died 1/11/1864.
He moved to Kushla, AL [near Mobile], where he had a prosperous cotton-commission business.
8/25/1865, he 2nd married Sarah Glenn, born ~1841 in MS.
9/24/1904, he died in Starkville, MS.
“Colonel W.B. Montgomery proved to be one of the area’s strongest promoters. During the late 1870’s, he imported an exceptional herd of Jersey cattle and thereafter revolutionized the agricultural base from cotton to dairy farming. He was also instrumental in 1878 in securing for Starkville the location of the new state agricultural and mechanical college.” (S) History of OktCo.
Charles Robert Montgomery, born 6/16/1832 in SC.
He was educated in TN, SC, Univ. of MS, and Princeton.
9/29/1853, he 1st married Isabella McMillan, born 2/27/1834; died 12/15/1852.
(S) 1860 Census, MS, OktCo., Starkville. A Widow, he has 3 childen 5 and under.
6/23/1869, in Starkville, he 2nd married Kate Carrothers, 1846–1928.
7/27/1905, he died in Starkville, MS.
